No one can exchange their duty to others nor can they avoid it. In spite of these drawbacks, the line organisation structure is very popular particularly in small organisations where there are less number of levels of authority and a small number of people. Encourages Carelessness: As the staff officer is not concerned with the execution of the plan, he may not take proper precautions and care before he advises the line officer. (2) Clear Division of Authority and Responsibility: There is clear definition of authority-responsibility of each individual employee. Line organisation is easy to operate and less expensive. This is suitable only for businesses which are run on a small-scale producing only one item and in which the workers are divided into departments according to the type of work performed by each one of them. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. For example, human resources, accounting, public relations and the legal . Classical theories of organization associated with Henri Fayol, Frederick W . The top-down approach helps streamline communication. According to McFarland, Line structure consists of the direct vertical relationship which connects the positions and tasks of each level with those above and below it.. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. List of the Advantages of a Line of Credit. (d) Limited Communication In this type, there is no communication from subordinates upwards and the workers should follow the orders of superiors, without expressing any opinion about the orders communicated to them. (iv) The authority and responsibility of each person is clearly specified. (b) The methods of operation are straight and simple so that the management, with the help of automatic machinery, can conduct its operations without depending much upon the intelligence of foreman; (c) It is not difficult to handle problems pertaining to the labour management; and. Some assistants or new officers may be appointed to expand and delegate tasks. Line managers plan, and staff helps in execution and betterment. Such decisions are executed promptly also. Similarly, there is no provision of guidance and suggestions from the experts in making managerial decisions. Since one man controls the whole show, the subordinates have to dance according to his tune. Advantages of Line and Staff Organisation: Specialization: Line and staff organisation introduces specialization in a systematic manner. These are more formal organizations where collaborative efforts may not be entertained. Hence, there is no contact between Sales Manager and the workers. (b) Fixed Responsibility Every member of the organisation knows his exact function, to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. Image Guidelines 4. Hence, it is quite expensive and small and medium-sized concerns cannot afford it. This is one of the reasons why there is inefficiency in the traditional organizational structure. Fixed Authority And Responsibility By this method, specialisation is attained. (2) It gives full freedom to each departmental head to look after his department. In simple words when you are driving a car and the brake of the car is not working then you know that it is you who has to handle this situation as you are in the driver seat a and you cannot escape the situation in the same way in case of line organization the top management has to face and solve the problems as they cannot rely on others for solving the problem. If superiors take a wrong decision, it would be carried out without anybody having the courage to point out its deficiencies. The lower positions derive authority from the positions above them. b. Communication is fast and easy and feedback can be acted upon faster. iii. Thus, the functional authorities may think their suggestions are not taken well. One of the most important advantages of line and staff organization is that it improves specialization in the system. Expert Advice: The staff officers provide expert advice and guidance to line officers and by this, the enterprise as a whole gets benefit. Line organization structure is also known as a simple organization or military organization. about The Truth Behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: Are Digital Transactions Secure? 4. It explains the tasks of every worker in an organization. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The process of rating an organization's practices, processes, and products against the best of the world is known as: A. webworking. Fixed responsibility: Duties and responsibilities are clearly defined for each individual with reference to the work assigned to him. Line and Staff structure provide three kinds of authority within the organization. Hence, discipline can be maintained there. Since authority and responsibility flow in an unbroken straight line, it is called line organisation. It is also worth mentioning here that the co-ordination on the basis of cooperation is rather enforced by the supervisor who will be in charge of two or three units. (c) It enables clear cut definition of authority and responsibility. Understanding the difference in the role of staff and line functions makes the best use of the workforce within the organization. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. c. Responsibility is fixed and unified at each level and authority and accountability There is usually no communication from the lower ranks upwards so that if the officers were to make a wrong decision it would be still carried out without anybody having the courage to point out that the decision was wrong. He has earned a Bachelor of Arts in management from Walsh University. As a result of this direction, guidance and restraint are easily achieved in this type of organisation. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: Among the disadvantages of the line structure, it is primarily indicated: A linear organizational structure is therefore simple, easy to understand and transparent to all its participants. Confusion: If the pattern of authority relationship between line and staff executives is not clearly indicated, there may be considerable confusion throughout the organisation. The open office arrangement has the fantastic benefit of enhancing business culture. Staff experts in specific areas are incorporated into the formal chain of command. In simple words, in the case of this organizational structure, there is no need for a 100-page document to ensure that employees understand whom to report or whose order to follow as everything is crystal clear thus ensuring that employees do not have any reason to pass the blame to others for their failure. In order to understand more about line, organization lets look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of line organization-if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'letslearnfinance_com-box-3','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-box-3-0'); The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and implement in the organization and hence there is no need to give extensive training to employees about the structure of the organization as all employees will know that flow of authority will be in a line and that too from top to bottom so there is no ambiguity and confusion. A superior delegates authority to a subordinate who in turn delegates authority to his subordinates and so on. There may be a good deal of nepotism and jobbery and personal prejudices. Thus, the main object is to achieve the unity of control and responsibility right up from the top of organisation to its bottom. (iv) It ensures excellent discipline in the enterprise because everyindividual knows to whom he is responsible. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. (ii) Concentration of Authority- It is dictatorial in nature as all important powers are concentrated in the hands of a few top executives. Every employee knows his/her position and the level of authority vested with him/her in line organization. More training and development cost is involved in improving staff performance. Each position in the structure has an authority over a lower position. According to, staff managers often play a support role to line managers. 7. 2. The lack of communication creates many problems for the smooth conduct of business. 6. Last Updated on February 10, 2023 By Methew Harbor Leave a Comment. Finding out your culture fit can help you thrive in the workplace. Direct supervision and control also helps in maintaining strong discipline among the workers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. about Advantages and Disadvantages of Visionary Leadership Style, about Advantages of Seniority Based Pay Systems, about What to do When Your Business is in Financial Strife, about Custom Merchandise Ideas to Boost your Brand Identification, about A New Frontier in Estate Planning with Guardianship Bonds, about Buying a Restaurant in Edmonton, Alberta, is the Newest Golden Egg: Three Reasons you should Jump on his Hot Opportunity, about The Top Canadian Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners, about 6 Tips for Optimizing your Business Internet Connection, about Tips for Filipino Women to Find Career Opportunities. D. core competencies., Companies benefit today by inter-firm cooperation. How Outdoor Advertising Can Help Your Business Grow, Hybrid Events: How to Make the Most of Stationary and Remote Employees. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If the top. 3. Its a simple, no-fuss setup where you know exactly who youre reporting to. It means the staff authority may work to facilitate the process in line control. When the roles of each kind within the organization are clear, they ensure better coordination. In the line organization, there is one head for decision making and the rest are the followers of that decision. Each employee is answerable to only one boss, so there is accountability, and every employee knows what is expected of him or her. Each unit is placed under a commander and his word is final as far as his subordinates are concerned. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. They are not provided with an opportunity to put forward their view point or problems or suggestions to persons at the top level. It requires recruiting specialized employees who offer guidance to the line and staff officers. The subordinates should get commands only through their immediate superiors. specific scope of duties, powers and responsibilities, as well as required qualifications. In the line organization, managers have to perform a wide range of functions. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). They have staff wings like intelligence, medical and so on. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'letslearnfinance_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-leader-1-0');As one can see from the above that line organization has both advantages, as well as disadvantages, and any company thinking of applying this form of organization structure should carefully analyze both the aspects and then take the decision. Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organization Advantages are: 1. Again, even within a department, there may be several sub-departments. Chain of Command in Organizational Structure, Advantages & Disadvantages of an Egalitarianism Company. Definition, Types, Adopting Reasons, & Pros/Cons, What is Growth Strategy? Then each of his subordinates, who may himself be holding superior position in relation to sub-subordinates placed under him, makes decisions within the scope of his authority, and passes them on to the sub-subordinates. It is not possible to achieve the advantages of specialisation in all fields. Where the number of subordinates and operatives is less. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: clear division of authority, competencies and responsibilities; employees are accountable to one person - the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; maximum speed of execution of orders; military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. It explains the tasks of every worker in an organization. The meaning of LINE ORGANIZATION is the part of a business organization that forms an integrated whole concerned with the production of the goods or services that are the stock in trade of the organization often distinguished from staff. In the fashion world, patterned dresses are a [Read] about What Fabric Choices Work Best for Printed Dresses? Decision-making responsibilities are static with limited flexibility. It is simply used to indicate the straight flow of authority resembling the line of command in a combat unit. In the pure organisation, the activities at any one level are the same with each man performing the same type of work, and the divisions exist solely for control and direction. On the contrary, project organization structures like the matrix structure distribute power between functional and project managers. It is the simplest form of organization and very simple to understand and implement. What is Line and Staff Organizational Structure? Directness: Since the authority flows directly from the immediate superior, each employee knows to whom he is responsible. For example, Sales Department. Line organization has direct vertical relationship. (v) Staff take credit if the programme (as per the advice of the staff) is successful and blame the line if it is not successful. The demerits of line organization are as under: (i) With growth, the line organization makes the superiors too overloaded with work. It can be easily understood by the employees. Development of Employees: Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. Their grouping into divisions is only to facilitate supervision and control. This enables a manager to take prompt decisions. Thus, this system may encourage carelessness on the part of the staff officer. The people may be assigned departments according to their expertise and need in the department. 6. military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. Another way is by seeking . The subordinates have no doubt regarding the person from whom they receive instructions. The general manager is in charge of all the departments and he can easily co-ordinate the work of various departments. Unified Control- Since the orders are given by one superior, there is no confusion among the subordinates. Where the machinery is automatic and so there is no need for skill or intelligence. Every employee is responsible for completing the given work. He need not to waste time in getting instructions from above. In line organisation, each department is generally a complete self- sustaining unit. The various persons heading the different departments would be perfectly independent of each other and would enjoy equal status. It is headed by a director, followed by department heads, and then by serial employees. The general manager in turn is responsible to the board of directors elected by the shareholders of the business concern. 2. If the executives try to keep up with every activity, they are bogged down in myriad details and are unable to pay proper attention to each one. The sales department can be further sub-divided into Counter Sales, Branch Sales, On Line Sales and Export. Besides the straightforward organization system, it also involves staff of different departments. Quick Decision. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. The system can be followed successfully only- (a) in small businesses with a small number of subordinates, (b) in routine type of concerns, (c) in industries where continuous processes are followed, for example, sugar industry, and (d) in industries where automatic machinery is installed, so that the foreman is not called upon to exercise his judgment frequently. Staff authority refers to advising the people with line authority for better results. This helps an executive to learn many things and develop his capabilities. Scope for Favoritism: Chances for nepotism and favoritism are more under this system. 2. Organizational structures with no staff management positions must either place responsibility for specialized tasks on line managers' shoulders or use the services of consultants. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. (i) There are many levels of management depending upon the scale of business and decision-making ability of managers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Conflict between Line and Staff: One more important disadvantage is the conflict between the line and staff officers. Line managers can work more efficiently with staff managers handling specialized functions. In the line organization there is a vertical line of authority. Further, if superiors were to make a wrong decision, it would still be carried out, because the subordinates are afraid of pointing out that the decision is wrong. (f) Flexibility This type of organisation is elastic. (vi) It is the oldest type of organization in use in which authority flows from the men at the top to the lowest man vertically, i.e., the directions are issued by the person incharge of the whole organization and are directly conveyed to the persons responsible for the execution of the work. The departmental manager is responsible or answerable to his immediate superior i.e. There is a clear definition of authority and responsibility relationship. It suffers from the drawbacks of autocratic control. All the staff members of the organization clearly understand the their jobs and responsibility easily. Image: Departmental line organization chart. It also allows quick decisions and efficient coordination. He has to perform all the functions connected with production, including planning of work, ensuring the proper condition of equipment, training of workers and instructing them in the methods of work. vii. Staff managers are placed in charge of vital issues that are best handled by a single, highly specialized individual, or in which a formal chain of command would simply hinder productivity and efficiency. This means that everything in the organization is vertically connected. Modern business is so complex that it is extremely difficult for one person to carry in his head all the necessary details about his work in his department. They are bound to follow instructions from their superiors. Branches. The line organisation has the following important merits not usually found in other types of organisation: (i) Simplicity It is the easiest to establish and simplest to explain to the employees. Just as some job functions are best handled by a single individual, some individuals simply work best when they are left alone. 10. The advantages of a divisional structure include the following: each specialty area can be more focused on the business segment and budget that it manages; everyone can more easily know their responsibilities and accountability expectations; customer contact and service can be quicker; and coordination within a divisional grouping is easier, Since all work is done according to the wishes of one person alone, the efficiency of the whole department will come to depend upon the qualities of management displayed by the head of that department. The line management must give appropriate reasons in case of rejection. (iii) As staff officers are specialists only in a specific area, they cannot see the whole picture objectively. The operation of line organization is very simple. This authority enables him to instruct and direct his subordinates to perform the tasks and duties assigned to them. In this type, a greater variety of responsible jobs are available and this provides more opportunities for advancement of capable workers. General Manager. Span of control Advantages of Line Organization The line organization has the following advantages: 1. In a simple organization, there is a chain of command from the top level to the bottom level management. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. 1. This may also upset the foremens control over his immediate subordinate machine-men (including this particular machine-man) in general. (b) It facilitates unity of control and the presence of scalar principle. Lets tell you the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization. Strong Discipline- Because of direct authority-responsibility relationships, discipline can be maintained more effectively. Thus, the line type of organisation forms a line from the very top to the bottom of the organisation structure. Even within a department, there may be several sub-departments or units. Co-ordination: . Every manager is required to incorporate these activities in his department. As such, they can not devote sufficient time to creative functions. Merits of Line Organisation: The line organisation has the following good points: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Under it, the persons having the greater decision-making authority are placed at the top, and those having the least decision-making authority at the bottom.
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