Kallistos Ware Comes Out for Homosexual Marriage Thomas Hopko: Homosexual Advocates Should be Denied Communion in the Orthodox Church Provacateurs do one of two things: they persecute the innocent by false accusations of heresy; and they also promote real heresy and division. 1) That salvation is in faith in Christ alone. John Whiteford, Fr. John Whiteford, Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Of It was one of the central issues in the Great Schism of 1054. "An Orthodox Christian that is truly born again would realize that the church is wrong and would turn to evangelicalism." For John, coming to Christ and joining an evangelical church are two sides of the same coin. The reality is Eastern Orthodox Christians and clergy are often pretentiously magnanimous, and say "We say Evangelicals and Protestants are saved too!" the Virgin, the Saints, or sacred objects, refusing to bury a person if he became a real Christian, 79)Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 83) Defining the true church as Heterodoxy, 85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save, 86) The heresy of Masquerading as Evangelicals, 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist, The Eastern Orthodox Calendar of Saints.Martyrology, Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church, : The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eas, tern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. preposterous! I didnt have a Bible, but no one encouraged me to read one anyway.. etc. The title ofPrimus inter pares was also taken by Constantine, a murderer the Orthodox have chosen to follow instead of the example of Christ. He is a founding editor of The Gospel Project, an inaugural fellow with The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, and the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, The Multi-Directional Leader, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching. Rather that is called in our theological jargon the Antinomian heresy, and though there are Protestant heretics that believe it (just as the Orthodox heretic Rasputin believed it) easy believerism it is not generally accepted. Thus quote Orthodoxy believes that the Christian Faith and the Church are inseparable. A summary of doctrine and instruction, teaching the Orthodox faith in the form of questions and answers. The orthodox teaching on . 16:18). There are several Scriptures that encourage Christians to examine teachings and practices that work their way into Christianity, and even more that command us to expose, mark and avoid false teachers. Some church historians make much of what is termed the "Great Schism" that occurred in the 11th century between the Western church (centered in Rome) and the Eastern church (centered in Constantinople). 75)Chrismation. Heresy has been and will be a problem for the church until Christ returns. a gold mine of information about Eastern Orthodoxy. font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; 1) The racist error of translating the old testamentfrom Greek. However, Arius would not submit to the authority of the Church. for non-commercial purposes, provided that this copyright notice is included. Kallistos on Sexual Morality font-size: 10pt; An honorary title given to saints such as St. Constantine and St. Cyril and St. Methodios for their missionary work in the Church. 6/25/2018 Fr. The Continuing Validity of the Moral Law of the Old Testament [Refutes Lazar Puhalo Heretical Views] Capital punishment was banned in new covenant law by Jesus - John 8:7. This is, in fact, not a single source of "revelation" but an amalgamation of many alleged sources. Do Humans Have Free Will? note: The First Crusade was also inspired by the idea of protecting people "On pilgrimage to the Holy Land" when pilgrimages (especially as penances) are also unbiblical. 11/1/2017 Fr. color:#930000; including -The Canon Liturgical /73)Canons (or Canon Law). The outward and visible part of religion, consisting of various ceremonies, words, and symbolisms, producing an invisible action by the Holy Spirit that confers grace on an individual. Sts. Josiah Trenham, ROCOR Synod of Bishops responds to Sr. Vassas letter 1/23/2019 Fr. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. text-align: justify; One evening, he was on assignment to visit one of the Baptist churches and to see how many of the repenters (as they were derogatorily called) were present. 62) The heresy of directly instructing the Orthodox "laity" to avoid trying to understand the symbolism of the Book of Revelation: 3) It cannot be only ancient Rome (the light of a candle shall not shine). Do you seek to convert your Orthodox family and friends? I ask, already somewhat expectant of what his answer will be. Lawrence Farley, On Ecclesiology, Humility, and Love 6/12/2018 Fr. His wife thought he had gone crazy. 5/22/2019 Fr. John Whiteford, Mattingly: Two clashing Orthodox takes on doctrine past and future Elpidophoros praised for serving first openly gay baptism font-family: Verdana; Pure heresy and manipulation. The Orthodox Christian Church believes itself to be the original, unchanging, and apostolic faith. 10/7/2013 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Fr. {margin-top:0in; Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dishonest Dialogue of Orthodox Liberals and Deconstructionists font-weight:bold; Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity, Parable of the Wheat and the Tares Why Priests Must Vigilantly Keep Watch, How to Know When God is Calling Tuning in to the Call of God, https://russian-faith.com/greek-american-bishop-feels-proud-about-golden-idol-of-athena, Sermon on the Nativity of Christ by St John of Kronstadt, The Nativity of Christ as Our Joy and Judgment, Christians Cannot Watch Indifferently and Allow Evil to Abuse Good and Destroy Innocence, Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US, Male and Female The Only Two Genders and Sexes, Theres No Spectrum, Gender Identity is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideology, Lazar Puhalo is Not a Canonical Orthodox Bishop, Hes a Deposed Deacon, Hidden Source of Heresy is the Pride of the Human Mind, George Demacopoulos: Christian Moral Teaching isnt Black and White, We Are Called to Proclaim the Good News of the Truth. 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. And fundamental to the false teacher's success is his ability to deceive. A special service held in the Orthodox Church for the repose of the souls of the dead. 12/11/2021 Fr. Those who do not live sinful lives? The spirits of Babylon have now transmigrated across the Earth from the country of Iraq to Italy, in the especially the City of Rome, and dwell in any country where Catholicism thrives. How did your family get over their condemnation of your newfound faith? I wonder aloud. Sarakosti). 6/28/2018 Fr. Kallistos Ware on the Ordination of Women and Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages In the presence of God I make this vow.". margin-top: 12px; The writings of so-called church fathers, especially those of the first four centuries A.D. Icons made of metal, stone, wood, and cloth which are set up as objects of worship by edict of the church, The official (and complex) Liturgy which governs the church's worship, The church's canon law, consisting of laws, regulations, and commentaries on the various elements of "holy tradition." {margin-top:0in; priests who dont exist. line-height: 200%; margin-left: 20px; Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. ), Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. Why God is He, Not She 3/27/2015 Fr. As far as the Church before the Bible, the Church and the Scriptures are a unified whole. I had no intention of converting to evangelicalism, he says. Eastern Orthodox clerics and believers sometimes realisethey are losing debates in front of Orthodox believers willing to convert, and masquerade as if they believe Evangelical theology on salvation, or something at least a bit nearer, when their actual church does not, and calls the true gospel "heterodoxy". line-height:200%; He and his wife Corina have three children. 5/8/2017 Fr. / the 7Ecumenical.Council, /Euchologion. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 7/25/2017 by Fr. note: as the Mother of Harlots is not marriage to God, the word fornication in Rev 17:4 can only be interpreted as fornication, whereas the two kingdoms ofIsrael and Judah in the OT were married to God and idolatry was called adultery then. line-height:200%; Matt. Aaron Warwick Affair) color:black; 7/2/2019 Multiple Senior OCA Priests (six priests and one bishop, authored July 2018), Protodeacon Feldmans Old Testament The Orthodox religion treats the bible as if it was a box of chocolates were there can pick and chose things from different covenants, and meld them together into a man made potpourri religion. I realized that the Bible was the authority, even over the Church. 2) Their canon is false - theyexaltGreek LXX etc to such an extent (racism) that they included heretical old testament Books into their false canon, never accepted by the Jews, like the absurd story "Bel and the Dragon". 11/11/2017 Fr. Lawrence Farley, Part One: Of Gay Sex and Leaven Mitra). John Whiteford, Christian Pastors Must Stand for Truth, Righteousness, and Morality in the Public Arena 8/21/2017 Fr. Please make sure all fields are filled out. } 2/14/2018 Fr. In Slavic churches, some archimandrites are allowed to wear the mitre as a recognition of their service to the church (mitrateormitrophoros). The concept differs from original sin firstly in that it emphasises 3 consequences of the Fall of Adam upon humanity not one: 2) Thereinafter was increased suffering and toil. Joseph Birthisel, Ashley Purpura: Orthodox Church Needs Women Priests and Bishops The first Sunday of Lent, commemorating the restoration of icons in the church (see Iconoclasm). {margin-top:0in; Worse as other churches don't do it, how could anyone else be saved? margin-right:50pt; font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; they choose old testament laws, like beards and incense, like a religious potpourri, and yetthey throw out music, that the new and old testament both encourage. 2/1/2022 Rod Dreher, Double-faced AB Elpidophoros Delivers Pro-Abortion Message at March for Life The Orthodox Church doesn't have a pope 7/10/2022 Nick Stamatakis, How Big Foundation Money Is Subverting Traditional Christianity 3) And that the scriptures, unlike Orthodox traditions, are inspired word for word, and in Matthew 4:4 Jesus promises those scriptures will be preserved word for word. Ioannes Apiarius, The Ten LGBTQ Commandments [satire] The common and official name used by the Greek Christians and Eastern Christian Church. However what was banned was any image, statue, or likeness, of God or a false god, whether it was like a man, a fish, a creeping thing, an animal, or a flying bird, Orthodoxy is therefore full of idols. line-height: 200%; Josiah Trenham, 2016 Mysterion;Sl. 48) Call men "Father": Jesus specifically said "call nomanyour father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. 6/7/2015 George Michalopulos, The Strange Theology of David Bentley Hart [and Univeralism Heresy of Fr. Memorial. margin-right:30pt; Martyrs (bloody or psychologically tormented) are supposed to be created by exterior enemies, not by ones own household; even though Christ-God warns us about that very peculiarity But with this said why provacateurs and agitators simply dont move along when we live in an age in which many have the ability to move on? 8/6/2019 Fr. The Eastern Orthodox church deviates from authentic Biblical Christianity in many other respects, but the foregoing are adequate to demonstrate that a great gulf exists between that which God requires according to Scripture, and that which Eastern Orthodoxy requires according to its man-made doctrines. 10/29/2011 Fr. The search through various prayers and practices to achieve unity with God in life (theosis) (see hesychasm). } Patrick Henry Reardon, Giacomo Sanfilippos Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers margin-left:40pt; Cheers. Like the Roman Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox also reject the doctrine of the authority of Scripture alone, declaring it to be the great heresy of the Reformation. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches that man is able to cooperate with God in bringing about his salvation, and that regeneration is the product of a synergistic effort of God and man. What would you say if someone were to convert from evangelicalism to Eastern Orthodoxy? I challenge. The Orthodox Church is the only Church which has maintained from the beginning a coherent interpretation of its teaching. margin-left: 48px; margin-top: 18px; For the most part, the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon.Since most English language bibles are from non-Orthodox sources, they sometimes are subtitled with . They speak with the authority of the Church, the Apostles, Fathers, Theologians, and Saints. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; Shortly thereafter, he rejected the Orthodox doctrine of infant baptism. font-size:10.0pt; line-height:200%; font-size: 10pt; pure man made ritualism, yet connected to and essential in "rebirth" in baptism. The fact is the entireMosaic Lawwasnailed to the cross and "done away" (2Cor 3) or (Col 2:14-17) "nailed to his cross" or "made old" (Heb 8:13) being replaced by new testament law based on the two commandments, not the old ten commandments as its centrepiece (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24). /Rudder. I am purposely writing theologoumena precisely asking questions more than proposing answers; and pointing out things which hurt my head thinking about them; 3. } /Horologion. text-align: justify; margin-bottom: 6px; 12/29/2017 Fr. Zhertva). In addition to Scripture, the Eastern Orthodox church recognizes these forms of man-made tradition as authoritative: Authentic Christianity, in contrast, tells us to reject the commandments and doctrines of men: Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words. 2/19/2021 Michael Sisco, Sarah Riccardi-Swartz and Russophobia ORIGIN Latin, literally and from the Son. Ioannes Apiarius, Heresies and Schisms Will Appear in the Churches, in the Last Days Like Rome, the Eastern Orthodox church also holds to the false doctrine of apostolic succession, claiming that its patriarchs are the latest in an unbroken line of successors to the authority of Christ's apostles. Lawrence Farley, St. Vladimirs Seminary Reacts to Amsterdam Conference, OCA Bishops Remain Silent Examining just three areas - Eastern Orthodoxy's positions on Scripture, sin, and salvation - tells us all we need to know to reject it as a false faith. It was (questionably) attributed to John Cassian (d.435). You will know them by their fruits color:black; The Bible says their Mother is the Whore of Babylon! see alsoHagia Sophia. (the issues of the Nicene Creed are very complex as attached to historical proof of the people involved in making it and general number of churches cults and sects in the Empire - I can only try to resolve this later on). A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. (Gr. 21) Relics, artefacts, including "death cult" worship. John Whiteford, Response to Giacomo Sanfilippo Gabriel (Hieromonk), Lazar Puhalo Attacks Monasticism The Wicked Heretic Lazar Puhalo 4/10/2014 Fr. note: a marriage vow is not the same as a legal oath in court, banned by Jesus in Matthew 5. this also includes witch murders, superstitious murders, imprisonments etc. Ioannes Apiarius, OCA Synod Categorically Rejects Same-Sex Unions and Homosexual Self-Identity Gabriel (Hieromonk), Silence [progressive death march desires to silence all opposition] 4) As they say the water in John 3:5 is baptism, and you cannot enter or see the kingdom of God without it, this act of priestcraft has a man involved in your actual salvation, a co-saviour. margin-top: 0; } The ordination of an individual to priesthood through the sacrament of Holy Orders. Unity becomes intrinsically impossible. 7/11/2022 Orthodox Christianity, Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of Married Homosexuals 10/13/2018 Fr. } In so many parts of the world, religion and state are so intertwined that Christians are unable to exercise their consciences and avail themselves of the many choices within Christendom. line-height: 200%; If we hold such false principles as valid, then the Orthodox Church ceases to be the Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Ecumenical Councils, and the Fathers of the Church. Though not as bad as quote "The Holy Mother Church" of Rome, the murders committed by the Orthodox Faith are still extremely bad, and this website givesa long list of such murders. John Whiteford, Missteps in the Churchs response to the LGBT movement [on Fr. John Whiteford, Puhalo Strikes Again .summary_text { : Heresy. 7/11/2018 Fr. Alexander F.C. } This heresy of interpreting the word porneia in Matt 5:32 and Matt 19:9 as including adultery on their part renders Orthodoxy a sex cult. margin-right: 40px; (Romans 5:6-11). margin-right: 60px; [refuting Aristotle Papanikolaous false claims] 6/25/2018 Fr. Yesterday, I interviewed a former Southern Baptist who has converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. 98) ChrismationRenunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. 52: Mortification:the action of subduing one's bodily desires: fine. but self torture and torment, like the cilice, is probably what led to the concept of torturing other people "for the good of their own soul". Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dr. David Ford: An Open Letter to an Advocate of So-Called Gay Marriage Authentic Christianity, in contrast, declares the doctrine of original sin and the guilt of all men in Adam, and the necessity of the person and work of Christ as the Second Adam who redeems them from that condemnation: Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned - (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Go to Sleep, Everything is Just Fine (Gr. The Orthodox Church believes that all the people of God-members of the Church, either the living on earth or the departed in heaven-are in constant communion and fellowship with each other in faith, grace, and prayers, since they constitute one Body in Christ-the Church. http://www.teachingtheword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=6435&view=post&articleid=81482&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, The writings and decisions of the first seven ecumenical councils, which took place between the 4th and 8th centuries, The writing and decisions of later church councils through the centuries (which have often conflicted with each other as well as Scripture). Isapostolos). 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. The Hart Idiosyncratic Version 10/12/2019 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Dont Dialogue With Sin Lawrence Farley, The Deep Melancholy of David Bentley Hart line-height:150%; John Whiteford, The Problem With Fundamentalists [Refuting Fr John Jillions] 8/30/2017 Fr. margin-right: 20px; } John Whiteford, Trying to Make Silk Purses Out of Sows Ears (Response to A Theology of the Erotic) [refuting Aristotle Papanikolaou false teaching] {margin-top:0in; Gabriel (Hieromonk), The Pursuit of Happiness The difference between the two is the difference between Heaven and Hell for a lost sinner. margin-left:15pt; 9/15/2019 Fr. In this article we shall focus on key elements of Eastern Orthodox theology and practice. 8/24/2018 Pillar and Ground of the Truth, On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 3) Tradition, Fundamentalism, and Modernity Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dishonest Dialogue This is because, in the presence of all the paperwork for a divorce and a remarriage, Jesus declares a man to be continually committing adultery if he divorces his wife for no cause or some insignificant cause (as does Romans 7) and therefore this proves adultery does not break the marriage bond, God sees the marriage still intact. text-align: justify; There are 3 views of mans corrupt state: Ministriesmmmmmwww.teachingtheword.org font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; Joseph Birthisel, Not Gay or Homosexual, but Men and Women Created in the Image and Likeness of God To deceive racist error of translating the old testamentfrom Greek but no one encouraged me to one! Canon Law ). ( d.435 ). He, not She 3/27/2015 Fr. faith! 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