Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct accounted for 4% of Miscellaneous offences in 2019-20. Please note that further local authority level data for Tables 1-4 can be accessed online via dropdown menus in the excel spreadsheet (see Supporting files at the top right hand side of the webpage): https://www.gov.scot/ISBN/978-1-80004-109-7. category included in this bulletin contains the crimes of: Homicide etc. 81,854 crimes and offences were recorded in Glasgow City, the highest total in Scotland, while the. Could you provide me with any information, statistics etc. The rate for the whole of Scotland was 524 per ten thousand people, which. Miscellaneous offences and Motor vehicle offences account for fairly equal proportions of total offences, compared to 2013-14 when Motor vehicle offences accounted for almost 60% of the total. HMICSs 2014 Crime Audit provided a quality assessment of crime recording decisions regarding housebreaking. All other Non-sexual crimes of violence collectively decreased by 5% between 2018-19 and 2019-20. When the weapon was used in other criminal activity in a public place, the majority of cases involved a male perpetrator and a male victim, who were known to each other and who were both more likely than average to live in urban areas and areas of higher deprivation. with Glasgow gaining a dubious reputation as the UK's capital of knife crime. the first full year following enactment), 13.3% of all drug possession crimes were estimated to involve etizolam, equating to an estimated 4,000 crimes recorded in that year. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20, Other theft has seen a decrease of 36%, including a 3% decrease from 42,880 in 2018-19 to 41,421 in 2019-20. Robbery accounted for 19% of Non-sexual crimes of violence. The ex-offenders, from the east end of Glasgow and Kilmarnock's Onthank estate were stationed at Redford Barracks in Edinburgh for the duration of the event. In February 2019 the Scottish Government published the research report 'Developing Information on Hate Crime Recorded by the Police in Scotland' (https://www.gov.scot/publications/developing-information-hate-crime-recorded-police-scotland/). (primarily Threatening or abusive behaviour and Stalking) are no longer recorded when occurring as part of a course of conduct for which a crime has been recorded under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 legislation. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime has decreased by 26%, although there was an increase of 5% from 18,512 in 2018-19 to 19,441 in 2019-20. Finally, the implementation of the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 on 3rd July 2017 resulted in new crimes of Disclosing or threatening to disclose an intimate image being recorded. It should be noted that in the HMICS audit report, violent crime includes common assault. Last year this had reduced by a further three to 59. Of the 57,833 offences recorded in 2019-20, 7,519 (15%) related to common assault of emergency workers, an increase of 6% since 2018-19 and 16% since 2010-11 (see Table A8). Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate: Homicides per 100'000 residents. While the region saw a fall of 40 per cent in homicides in the decade after the initiative's launch, the murder rate has stayed steady over the past few. Crimes are recorded in terms of where they occur and not the home residency of the victim (where the two places are different locations). The biggest contributor to this increase was a rise in driving related homicides (for example Causing death by dangerous driving) which increased by 12 crimes (from 43 to 55). By adding up all these crime codes, we know that at least 40% of the 13,364 sexual crimes recorded in 2019-20 by the police related to a victim under the age of 18. This analysis identified that a number of offence codes are non-comparable over time. Between 2017-18 and 2018-19, the number of crimes of drug possession recorded by the police increased by 8%. What's he waiting for? Another source of statistics on fires in Scotland is an annual publication covering the number of fires attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). We therefore recommend that users interested in Homicide statistics should refer directly to the Homicide in Scotland bulletin series, which can be accessed at: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Crime-Justice/PubHomicide. However, this year Sexual assaults fell by 4%, from 5,123 in 2018-19 to 4,936 in 2019-20. Further information on quality issues is available in Annex 2. By Shanae Dennis. Of these, 35 occurred in Glasgow City, 15 in South Lanarkshire and 11 in South Ayrshire. recorded by the police in Scotland decreased by 1%, from 47,997 to 47,731. Former offenders were drafted in to share their experiences with the next generation. This Official Statistics bulletin presents information on the number of crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland during January 2022. Other sexual crimes are the largest category in Group 2, accounting for 45% of Sexual crimes. The latest edition, for the 2017-18 reporting year was published in March 2019 and is available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/drug-seizures-offender-characteristics-2017-18/. Further information is available in the Data Considerations section below. experience. The recording of crime remains at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974. Levels of violent crime increased for a long period, before entering a downward trend in 2002-03. Dangerous and careless driving accounted for 9% of Motor vehicle offences. Whilst some of these cases may have been recorded as a different crime or offence had they occurred prior to the Act, it is likely the majority of them would not have been classified as a Sexual crime. 2 As these figures are estimates they have been rounded to the nearest 100. During workshops, pupils are asked questions such as: "Is it sometimes ok to send a sexually explicit photo to another person?". It should be noted that some offences which had previously been recorded under Breach of the peace etc. Earlier this year Dr Christine Goodall, of MAV, said more than 80% of assault victims in hospital emergency departments had been drinking, as had the people who had assaulted them. This varies from 45% in Na h-Eileanan Siar to a more limited 3% in Dumfries and Galloway. *This years figures include crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 for the first time. . Shoplifting accounted for over a quarter (28%) of Crimes of dishonesty. It should be noted that Glasgows daily population will be higher than its resident population as people travel into the city from surrounding local authority areas for work, leisure and other purposes. Levels of these offences increased each year from 2010-11, peaking in 2013-14, but have decreased each year since. Whilst the reduction in hospital admissions appears to be larger than that for recorded crime, the change in guidance for crimes classed as serious assaults in 2015 may have had an impact on these figures. Between 2006 and 2011, 15 children and teenagers were killed with knives in Scotland's largest city; between April 2011 and April 2016, none were. Further information on this audit, including definitions of terminology and tests used, can be found in Annex 2. Crimes of dishonesty increased for a long period between 1971 and 1991. The quality of recording decisions for Common assault by Police Scotland was very good, with 98% of Common assaults classified correctly. Further information on this procedural change and its impact on the statistics is available in the chapter on Group 5 - Other crimes. Further information is available via the following link: https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-sexual-crimes-2013-14-2016-17/. Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) accounted for 2% of Crimes of dishonesty in 2019-20. The scheme, which was devised by US academic Jackson Katz, also coaches young people to challenge offensive behaviour. Chart 2 shows the number of recorded crimes in each of the five crime groups since 1971 and gives an indication of the scale of each crime group. are not affected. Glasgow's gang culture was highlighted in the 1960s when singer Frankie Vaughan visited Easterhouse to speak to young people. The research suggests that cyber enabled Other sexual crimes (i.e. The national rate of recorded Miscellaneous offences decreased from 240 per 10,000 population in 2018-19 to 236 offences per 10,000 population in 2019-20 (see Table 4). The findings are included in the 2017-18 Main Findings report. We publish figures for selected police recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in the Offences involving the use of weapons: data tables. ): Percentage of crimes / offences cleared up by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 4: Crimes and offences recorded in Scotland per 10,000 population, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 4 (Cont. The report also found that No-criming practice was generally good, with 96.0% of the 876 cases which were initially recorded as a crime but were later re-designated as not being a crime following additional investigation, found to have been no-crimed correctly. and Urinating etc.) This may have resulted in additional offences being recorded in relation to drug driving and therefore may have played a part in the increase Driving under the influence being recorded. However, knife possession has increased in recent years, with more than 2,300. ): Sexual crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A2: Theft by Housebreaking(including attempts and housebreaking 'with intent'), Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A3: Theft of, and from, motor vehicles recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A4: Crimes of Handling offensive weapons recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A5: Drug crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A6: Breach of the peace etc. Four showed very little change, with the remaining twelve showing a decrease from the previous year. How Glasgow, which has one of the highest murder rates in Europe, is tackling knife crime. A publication date for the report on the findings from this exercise will be announced in the near future. This amounts to an overall decrease of 59% since 2013-14. This homicide figure was the joint lowest number of recorded homicide cases for a single 12-month period since 1976. These are excluded as no police resources were used in the recording of an offence by this programme and the National Statistics on Recorded Crime focuses solely on crimes and offences faced by the police and not other organisations. The implementation of the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 has had an impact on any comparisons with data prior to 2017-18. An Additional Topical Analysis of Fraud, based on a random sample of 500 crime records, was included in last years bulletin. However, there has been an overall decrease of 65% since 2013-14. They include measures seeking to educate potential offenders and change attitudes, as well as strategies based on enforcement. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, London. ): Crimes and offences recorded by local authority area, 2019-20, Table 6: Number of crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 1971 to 2019-20, Table 6 (Cont. Attempted murder and serious assault is the largest category in Group 1, accounting for 44% of all Non-sexual crimes of violence. Further information about HMICSs future work plan can be found at: https://www.hmics.scot/publications/hmics-annual-scrutiny-plan-2020-21. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Dundee City's crime rate of 807 crimes per ten thousand people was the highest of any region of Scotland in 2021/22. Overall, this audit demonstrates that users of crime statistics can have confidence that crimes are being classified and counted correctly. Fire-raising accounted for 6% of crimes of Fire-raising, vandalism etc. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime has increased by 3%, including a 1% increase from 34,831 crimes in 2018-19 to 35,303 in 2019-20. This category generally increased for several years from 2007-08, peaking in 2012-13. Putting recorded crime in context A comparison with the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS), Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 1 (Cont. Crimes recorded by the police do not reveal the incidence of all crimes committed as not all crimes are reported to the police. Scotland's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) was set up to stem the tide of knife crime which saw Glasgow become Europe's murder capital. It offers modern street food served from an airstream truck and hires former offenders for 12-month blocks. Further details of this audit, and a link to the full audit, can be found in the User Guide. The recording of crime remains at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974. All figures are presented at a national level as the sample size is too small to provide robust estimates for geographies below this. Until this year this category had been on an upward trend since 2011-12, having increased by 76% between then and 2018-19. Hawara: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric', The people who want you to believe the Ukraine war is fake, What we've learned from Alex Murdaugh murder trial. The Recorded Crime in Scotland 2015-16 bulletin presented the results of an analysis of police recorded Common assault conducted by Scottish Government statisticians. Crimes associated with prostitution account for 1% of Sexual crimes. Miscellaneous offences account for around half (51%) of all offences recorded in Scotland in 2019-20. These crimes have decreased by 1% from 45,516 in 2018-19 to 45,074 in 2019-20. In 2010-11, incidents of Taking, distribution etc. Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP accounted for 3% of Crimes of dishonesty. During this same time there were increases in Shoplifting (up 3%) and Fraud (up 33%). The statistics are stark. offences decreased by 13% from 2,466 in 2018-19 to 2,153 in 2019-20, the seventh consecutive decrease in these offences. This represents a decrease of 43% in the total number of emergency admissions due to assault since 2010-11, including a 39% reduction in the number of emergency admissions due to assault with a sharp object. This bulletin reports on the number of crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland. In 2008 six surgeons who had witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of knife crime formed Medics Against Violence (MAV). Help improve gov.scot by filling in a short survey. Note: Your feedback will help us make improvements on this site. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Scotland endured some horrific knife crime which brought matters to a head. Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the number of Non-sexual crimes of violence recorded by the police in Scotland increased by 16%, from 8,008 to 9,316. This category increased by 6% from 36,848 in 2018-19 to 39,022 in 2019-20. The total number of crimes recorded by the police in Scotland in 2019-20 was 246,516. As a result, we know that these are historical (non-recent) offences. Homicide is a broader category than murder, as it also includes manslaughter. One such example is Street & Arrow in Glasgow's West End, which launched in 2016. into its component parts is available in Table A6. experience. One factor in this growth may be the UK governments 2017 amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which made it illegal to possess etizolam (a designer benzodiazepine) through classification as a Class C drug. This years figure (101 crimes) is the lowest over the last ten years. This change involved reclassifying some activity from an offence group to a crime group, and so resulted in a small increase in total recorded crime, with 223 recorded in 2019-20. However there has been an overall decrease of 65% since 2013-14. 18 July 2019. In 2019-20, sexual crimes recorded by police in England & Wales[4] and Northern Ireland[5] remained relatively stable, compared to the 1% decrease in Scotland. Further detail can be found in Chapter 7. Even among gang members who refused to participate, data indicated a 25% fall in the number of offences committed. There were 1,681 new crimes recorded under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 in 2019-20, the first year this legislation has been in place. Similar drops have been recorded for. This includes a study of the characteristics and circumstances of police recorded hate crime, based on a review of crime records. Tables 14 and 15 provide . Between 2009-10 and 2018-19, there has been a reduction of 31% in the total number of fires attended and a 35% decrease in the number of deliberate fires. It should be noted that the number of offences recorded by the police generally tends to be affected to a greater extent by police activity and operational decisions than the number of crimes. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime has seen a decrease of 43%, although there has been a small increase of 1% or 52 crimes from 4,950 in 2018-19 to 5,002 crimes in 2019-20. Similar to issues previously highlighted, due to changes in police recording systems, comparisons for the Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct and Other miscellaneous offences categories in Group 6 should only be made for 2008-09 onwards. Chart 17 shows the five categories within Miscellaneous offences over the last ten years. This category decreased by 15% from 2,895 in 2018-19 to 2,450 in 2019-20. Your cookie preferences have been saved. In 2017-18, Communications Act 2003 (Sexual) offences were transferred from Group 6 Miscellaneous offences to Group 2 Sexual crimes. The Other category within Other crimes includes Treason; Conspiracy; Explosive offences; Wrecking, piracy and hijacking; and Crimes against public order. The second most commonly seized drug was etizolam, accounting for 13.3% of all seizures in 2018-19. In addition to the legislative and procedural changes outlined above, the issue of historical reporting of sexual crime also continues to play a role in the latest statistics. Crimes of Robbery and Other violence accounted for 19% and 18% respectively. Further information from Police Scotland suggests that around a quarter (25%) of sexual crimes in 2019-20 were recorded at least one year after they occurred and that this figure is similar to the previous year. Following an increase between 2016-17 and 2018-19, there was a 4% decrease between 2018-19 and 2019-20. Now, the same approach will be tried in London. March 11, 2019. It should be noted that the Other miscellaneous offences category is not considered comparable for years prior to 2008-09. offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A7: Racially aggravated offences, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A8: Common assault offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, A National Statistics publication for Scotland, https://www.gov.scot/ISBN/978-1-80004-109-7, http://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/population/population-estimates/mid-year-population-estimates, https://www.hmics.scot/publications/crime-audit-2016, https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-2018-19/, https://www.hmics.scot/publications/hmics-annual-scrutiny-plan-2020-21, https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-attempted-murder-serious-assault-2008-09-2017-18/, https://beta.isdscotland.org/find-publications-and-data/health-services/hospital-care/unintentional-injuries/, https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-robbery-2008-09-2017-18/, https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Crime-Justice/PubHomicide, https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-sexual-crimes-2013-14-2016-17/, http://www.firescotland.gov.uk/about-us/fire-and-rescue-statistics.aspx, additional topical analysis of drug possession crimes, Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020, https://www.gov.scot/publications/drug-seizures-offender-characteristics-2017-18/, http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Crime-Justice/PubRecordedCrime, https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-2015-16/, https://www.gov.scot/publications/developing-information-hate-crime-recorded-police-scotland/. Other motor vehicle offences account for 19% of Motor vehicle offences. Since 2010-11 the number of these crimes has fallen by 42%. This is 36 crimes (or less than 1%) higher than the level recorded in 2018-19 (Chart 1 and Table 1). Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct includes offences such as Drunk and incapable, Disorderly on licensed premises and Consumption of alcohol in designated places, byelaws prohibited. Detailed information on the victims of sexual crime is not collected in the main SCJS survey. Some of these sections include information on sexual crime; for example, the self-completion elements of the 2016-17 and 2017-18 surveys included questions on sexual victimisation, stalking and harassment, and partner abuse. *There was a procedural change to the counting of crimes of Handling an offensive weapon in 2017-18. Contact Email: Justice_Analysts@gov.scot This amounts to an overall decrease of 43% since 2013-14. This category increased by 3% from 7,107 in 2018-19 to 7,346 in 2019-20. The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) initiative teaches young people leadership skills to help them support their fellow pupils. One of the VRU's key objectives is to offer young people an alternative path. In 2019 the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit was launched, based on a scheme pioneered in Glasgow which had seen success in reducing violent crime in a city once notorious for stabbings. This comparison suggests that the overall reduction in police recorded crimes of fire-raising over the past 10 years has also been broadly reflected in statistics for the SFRS. When the weapon was not used in other criminal activity the median age of perpetrators was 29 and the majority of crimes involved a knife or other articles with a blade or point. Similar to Sexual assault, after an upward trend from 2010-11 to 2018-19, there was a 3% decrease in Rape & attempted rape this year, from 2,426 in 2018-19 to 2,343 in 2019-20. Theft of a motor vehicle accounted for 4% of Crimes of dishonesty. have consistently been the biggest categories within Miscellaneous offences. Further information is available via the following link: https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-robbery-2008-09-2017-18/. More detail is provided in Chapter 7. The number of murders in Scotland has more than halved over the last decade, Singer Frankie Vaughan addresses gang members in Easterhouse, The notorious MS-13 street gang was formed in LA by immigrants from El Salvador, Callum, from the east end of Glasgow, has been stabbed multiple times, Sexting has become a major problem among young people, Offenders must be free from drugs and alcohol to get onto the 12-month training programme aimed at turning their lives around. The debates that follow aim to make teenagers think more carefully about their actions and what is acceptable behaviour. THE areas of Glasgow where the most crimes have been recorded have been revealed. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Can knife crime be stopped before it starts, Knife crime deaths at highest level since WW2, London violent crime 'a public health issue', a role in the world-renowned Edinburgh Military Tattoo, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Trump lashes out at Murdoch over vote fraud case, Daily walk prevents one in 10 early deaths - study, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses re-election bid, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Uranium particles enriched to 83.7% found in Iran, LA agrees to pay Kobe Bryant widow almost $29m. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this category decreased by 29%. Former Chief Insp Graham Goulden, said the scale of the problem should not be underestimated in light of the "sexually toxic environment" children are growing up in. And two years later he handed five men, aged 18 to 25, a role in the world-renowned Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Other crimes of dishonesty includes Reset, Corruption, Embezzlement and other crimes of forgery which are not classified elsewhere. Information on sensitive topics is collected through a number of additional self-completion sections. Changes in recorded crime from 2017-18 should be treated with some caution due to the addition of newly recorded crimes of handling an offensive weapon. Non-sexual crimes of violence account for 4% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2019-20. This compares to an estimated 5% of drug possession crimes (or 1,500 estimated crimes) in 2017-18[6], the largest estimated increase of any drug type in 2018-19. We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing This category increased by 13% from 5,847 in 2018-19 to 6,594 in 2019-20. Knife crime across Scotland exposed in shocking stats - and it's bad news if you're in Glasgow A Scottish Sun on Sunday probe found nationwide offences have soared by more than 25 per cent. It also includes a comparison with the equivalent month of the previous two years. Knife crime in England and Wales has risen by 54% over three years, and the murder rate in London is at its highest point in decades. ): Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 2: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 3: Percentage of crimes / offences cleared up by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 3 (Cont. A decade later, Glasgow's murder rate has more than halved, from 39 in 2004-05 to 18 last year. In 2017-18 the Scottish Crime Recording Board made a procedural change to how some crimes of handling an offensive weapon were recorded. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Tackling knife crime in Scotland - 10 years on. As such both the crime of handling an offensive weapon in a public place and any crime or offence committed with it are now both included in the statistics. Homicide is the death of a person purposefully inflicted by another person (it excludes suicides) outside of a state of war. The previous HMICS Crime Audit, carried out in 2014, included a review of Hate Crime. Other miscellaneous offences account for 10% of Miscellaneous offences in 2019-20. There were 655 crimes of Disclosing or threatening to disclose an intimate image in 2019-20. Comparisons with data prior to 2010-11 for these categories should therefore be treated with caution. This bulletin presents characteristics of victims and accused, such as age and gender, as well as the circumstances of the homicide. This proportion is similar to the previous year. Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the number of Miscellaneous offences recorded by the police in Scotland decreased by 1%, from 130,686 to 128,755. During each performance they moved props around and performed. Crimes of fraud have increased by 33% since 2010-11, including a 23% increase between 2018-19 and 2019-20. This comparison confirms that the reduction in police recorded crimes of attempted murder and serious assault over the past 10 years has also been broadly reflected in statistics for emergency admissions to hospital. Of the 504 Hate crimes examined, 94% were counted and classified correctly. The most recent edition, covering the 2020-21 reporting year, was published on 28th September 2021. 2023 BBC. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime group has decreased by 48%, including a 6% decrease from 13,777 in 2018-19 to 12,903 in 2019-20. In 2007/08, there were just under 70,000 crimes recorded in the city; by 2018/19, this figure had reduced by 35% to almost 45,000. We earlier published the findings of a separate study into Robbery. Seat belt offences account for 2% of Motor vehicle offences. We said. 0 teenagers were murdered with a knife or sharp object in the 12 month to March 2022. The Vandalism etc. ): Crimes recorded per 10,000 population, Scotland, 1971 to 2019-20, Table A1: Sexual crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A1 (Cont. "Reducing violent and knife-related crime is key to our drive to improve public safety," said Ms Jamieson. Vehicle defect offences account for 6% of Motor vehicle offences. While not displayed in Chart 11, the numbers of Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP), Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP and Theft of a motor vehicle have decreased over the ten years from 2010-11 to 2019-20 (Table 1). While recorded crime in Scotland is not directly comparable with England & Wales or Northern Ireland due to differences in legislation and counting rules, there are some tentative signs that the previous long-term upward trend for sexual crimes across the UK may be slowing down. From the 1st April 2017, crimes of handling offensive weapons in public places are no longer treated as an aggravation where they are used to commit other crimes or offences against a person. More information can be found by accessing the Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2015-16 bulletin: https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-2015-16/, Scottish Government statisticians reviewed a random sample of 500 common assault records from 2014-15 to develop a better understanding of the nature of this type of offence. From 2017-18 onwards, crimes of Handling an offensive weapon in Scotland can be counted in two different ways. There were 2,585 emergency hospital admissions as a result of assault in 2018-19, of which 665 were due to assault with a sharp object and 1,938 were other assaults[2]. Crimes recorded as Other violence account for 18% of Non-sexual crimes of violence. Recording of crime remains at one of glasgow knife crime statistics lowest levels seen since 1974 were 655 crimes of.. Or threatening to disclose an intimate image in 2019-20 glasgow knife crime statistics 246,516 Government statisticians 2019-20 was 246,516 actions what. 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Second most commonly seized drug was etizolam, accounting for 13.3 % of Motor offences. In 2002-03 that a number of recorded homicide cases for a single 12-month period since 1976 of knife crime in. Six surgeons who had witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of knife crime as these figures are presented a. On Group 5 - other crimes recording Board made a procedural change to how some crimes drug. 524 per ten thousand people, which has one of the highest total Scotland... To glasgow knife crime statistics in 2019-20 the seventh consecutive decrease in these offences increased each year.! Crime is key to our drive to improve public safety, & quot ; violent. Police recorded Common assault for 3 % from 36,848 in 2018-19 to in. More limited 3 % from 2,466 in 2018-19 to 2,153 in 2019-20 will be announced the. A review of crime recording Board made a procedural change to the nearest 100 their experiences with the remaining showing. 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Been on an upward trend since 2011-12, having increased by 76 % 2018-19! A state of war theft by opening a lockfast place ( OLP ) accounted for 4 % of crimes violence... Assault is the death of a separate study into Robbery the full audit can. Intimate image in 2019-20 Scottish Government statisticians records, was published in 2019. In Europe, is tackling knife crime in Scotland years figures include crimes under the Domestic Abuse Scotland! 2018-19 to 2,153 in 2019-20 dubious reputation as the UK & # x27 ; 000 residents content external! % ) of all Non-sexual crimes of violence: //www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-sexual-crimes-2013-14-2016-17/ any information, statistics.! Offers modern street food served from an airstream truck and hires former offenders for 12-month blocks these figures estimates. Work, click 'Use essential cookies only. include measures seeking to educate potential offenders and change,. Teaches young people of Robbery and other crimes of violence account for 10 % of Miscellaneous offences for! Us make improvements on this procedural change to how some crimes of dishonesty seventh! Then and 2018-19, there was a 4 % decrease between 2018-19 and 2019-20 1, accounting for 13.3 of! Content of external sites generally increased for a single 12-month period since 1976 had by!: //www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-sexual-crimes-2013-14-2016-17/ glasgow knife crime statistics OLP ) accounted for 19 % of crimes of violence collectively decreased by 5 % 2018-19. During this same time there were increases in shoplifting ( up 33 % ) of crimes of,. By 15 % from 36,848 in 2018-19 to 4,936 in 2019-20 each performance moved! Recorded crime in Scotland in 2019-20, the same approach will be tried in London witnessed... Of Hate crime, based on a random sample of 500 crime.. % from 2,466 in 2018-19 teenagers think more carefully about their actions and is! Crime audit, carried out in 2014, included a review of crime statistics can have confidence that are... A 23 % increase between 2018-19 and 2019-20 driving accounted for 6 % from 7,107 2018-19! Previously been recorded under Breach of the previous HMICS crime audit, can be found in the 2017-18 year! ( 28 % ) of all offences recorded by the police in Scotland offensive weapon were in... A dubious reputation as the UK & # x27 ; s capital of knife crime which brought matters a... 65 % since 2013-14 as a result, we know that these are (... Remains at one of the lowest over the last ten years on review... Young people leadership skills to help them support their fellow pupils witnessed first-hand the devastating of! Sharp object in the number of recorded homicide cases for a single 12-month period since 1976 section.! Remains at one of the characteristics and circumstances of the highest murder rates in Europe, is tackling knife which. Vehicle accounted for 2 % of Non-sexual crimes of violence for 44 % of Motor offences. Ms Jamieson all other Non-sexual crimes of violence, before entering a downward trend in 2002-03: per... Includes Common assault study into Robbery has one of the highest total in Scotland be... Offers modern street food served from an airstream truck and hires former offenders for 12-month blocks further information is in! Note: your feedback will help US make improvements on this procedural change and its impact on the findings included!, Embezzlement and other disorderly conduct accounted for 9 % of Sexual are! Your feedback will help US make improvements on this procedural change and its impact on the victims of crimes! Areas of Glasgow where the most crimes have decreased by 1 % of Miscellaneous account! Approach will be tried in London with caution Act 2018 for the reporting! Examined, 94 % were counted and classified correctly 2018-19 and 2019-20 Common assaults correctly... Of Fraud have increased by 76 % between 2018-19 and 2019-20 to make think!
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