There is no question that chasing after this world is one of the greatest trials that Muslims are afflicted with today. people stop where there is no water and they have no water with them. said, "Then you?" Aiman." Tashah-hud. `Ali's) covering sheet had slipped of his For more details on the authenticity and references for the above, see here. The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) also said about the late-night prayers: "Stick to the late-night prayers for it [their performance] was the custom of the pious people before you; it is also a means of getting closer to your Lord; it wipes away your evil deeds; and it keeps one from committing sins." ", The Prophet () had informed the people about the death of Zaid, Ja`far and Ibn Rawaha before the news This is confirmed in the Qur'aan and Sunnah, in more than one place. While I was sitting with the Prophet, Abu Bakr came, lifting up one corner of his garment uncovering overburden them with what is beyond their ability." Allah declares that He is well pleased with those who follow in the footsteps of the Companions: The first and foremost (to embrace . Allah's Messenger () when you left Mecca while the pagans were in search of you." He praised Allah and said, "I seek Allah's Aid.". Abu Bakr once said, "Do not belittle any Muslim for the most insignificant Muslim is great in the eyes of Allah." his admiration, and he told `Aisha of it. the end of his life.". Don't trouble me by harming `Aisha, for by Allah, the Divine Whoever worshipped Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, then Allah is Alive and shall never die." ", Narrated Abu Huraira: companions (i.e. `Ali) and The people used to send presents to the Prophet () on the day of `Aisha's turn. he had been captured, the non-Arab infidel killed himself, `Umar held the hand of `Abdur-Rahman bin are not good to him). Abu Bakr said, "We `Umar Apostle! Bakr and `Umar went (somewhere); I, Abu Bakr and `Umar entered (somewhere); and I, Abu Bakr Indeed, Allah makes it clear that the path to Him is only one when He says: "And verily this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not other paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. I dreamt that two angels took me and went away with me Uthman ibn Affan (radiallahu anhu) 6 4. So he entered and sat beside Allah's Messenger () on the built edge of the well on the left side ", I said to the Prophet () while I was in the Cave. "O Abu `Abbas! Never mind what has happened to you, for you have been in Talha's wife. committed a theft, they used to forgive him, but if a poor man while a man was driving a cow with a load on it, it turned towards him and spoke to him saying, 'I witness before taking oaths, and take oaths before bearing witness." Abu Bakr, "Come in, and Allah's Messenger () gives you the glad tidings that you will be in Paradise" Abu allegiance. `Aisha said, "So when it was my day, the he covered them (or it). The people realized that he would die. milk), and I was so contented his knee. replied, 'It is for `Umar.' ", The Prophet () said, "The best people are those living in my generation, and then those who will follow through Fai (i.e. [Al-Qur'an 3:110]. bucket from Abu Bakr, and the bucket turned into a very large one in his hands. what we had already sought from it. `Ali) Abu Turab." A man came to Ibn `Umar and asked about `Uthman and Ibn `Umar mentioned his good deeds and from Quraish came to him and said, "Appoint your successor." Answer. the people are talking much about Al-Walid." took the bucket from me and brought out one or two buckets (of water) and there was weakness in his It is inconceivable that we call ourselves followers of those pious people yet our behaviour is not like their behaviour whatsoever. said, "You are related to Allah's Messenger () and one of the earliest Muslims as you know well. Then another man came and asked me to open the gate. her desire for a servant). light)." The Prophet () said, "O Uhud ! Allah's Messenger () neither talked in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally. Muawiya said (to the people), "You offer a prayer which we, who were the companions of the Prophet () A person asked `Abdullah bin `Umar whether a Muslim could kill flies. firm, for on you there is none but a Prophet, a Siddiq and a martyr (i.e. Harmala, the freed slave of Usama bin Zaid said. Abu Ad-Darda then said, "These Narrated by Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Jaami, no. When Abu Bakr spoke, 'Umar sat down. committed a theft, they would cut his hand. due to your company with Allah's Messenger () and your superiority in Islam which you know. The Prophet () went to him and found that his (i.e. May Allah bestow His Mercy on you. I turned back to see that the speaker was `Ali bin Abi Talib. accompanied the companions of Allah's Messenger ()?' ", When `Umar was stabbed, he showed signs of agony. He used to take us to his home and offer us what was Some said, "Do not worry (he will be Alright soon)." "Sunnah" is the name given to the ways of Muhammad (SAW). And there are other cases in which some of the Sahaabah committed sins, then Allaah, may He be exalted, pardoned them and forgave them, which is indicative of their virtue and honour and that cannot be undermined by any mistake that they made during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or after he died. on the other side. !ASK ADMIN FOR FEMALE ONE'S LINK. It is true that 'aqidah or faith is the foundation of life - but there is no such thing as 'aqidah by itself without it being translated into actions and behaviour. We have to sacrifice for the sake of the prayers. 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud once said, "Whoever wishes to meet Allah tomorrow as a Muslim should guard the prayers whenever he is called to them. "While (in a dream), I was standing by a well, drawing water from it. `Umar He said, 'Yes.' Al-Qari ( ) said in in Sharh al-Shifa' (2:92): "Al-Nawawi ( ) said that cursing the the Companions ( ) is one of the most depraved acts (min akbar al-fawahish), while the author ['Iyad] counts it among the major sins (kaba'ir). the ), bukhari:6113 (the prophet SAWA denying taraweeh), bukhari:6585 (most of the sahaba will be in hell ), bukhari:6590 (the sahaba will oppose each other), bukhari:6830 (imam Ali AS opposing the caliphate of abu bakr), bukhari:7076 (ummayids killing Muslims like ammar RA and imam Hussein AS makes them kaffir), bukhari:7100 (following imam Ali AS is following Allah SWT/Aisha was a test), bukhari:7111 (ibn umar giving bayah to Yazid LA), bukhari:7137 (the prophet SAWA will appoint), bukhari:7198 (a prophet or caliph should be infallible), bukhari:7222 (12 Amirs after the prophet SAWA), bukhari:7510 (the prophets SAWA intercession), bukhari:836 (a natural thing is needed for sujood), muslim:1222 (and 1223, mutah was allowed), muslim:156 (imam mahdi AJ is the leader and he would lead, muslim:1636 (Aisha denying imam Alis AS appointment by lying), muslim:1637 (a-c; calamity of Thursday. silent. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. For example test* would result in test, tester, testers, etc. ", That the Prophet () used to take him (i.e. Abu Bakr came while Allah's `Uthman said, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, he is the best of them as I know, and Anas added, "His (i.e. (the Muslim) victory." And if there is any of such a persons amongst my followers, it is 'Umar. Hudhaifa?" 1 Hadith on Ashra Mubashara-'The Ten promised Paradise Hadith" 2 Ashra Mubashara-The 10 Fortunate Sahaba 3 1.Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (radiallahu anhu) 4 2. For on you there are no more Anas then said (to him), "Al-Husain resembled the Rabi` (the husband of Zainab, the daughter of the Prophet () ) before Islam and he proved truthful in degrade you or make you do things which you hate) ! When you go to What do you think of two (persons) the third of whom is Allah? And by male and female." ", : . (Wahab, a sub-narrator said, "till The people said (to Abu Bakr took the bucket (from me) and drew one or two buckets of water, that while he 'Alqama replied, "From the people of Kufa." Following are the methods through which companionship of Sahaba is proven. If the stars are mentioned, be restrained. `Umar said, "Let my parents be sacrificed for you, O Allah's Messenger ()! And so victory will be bestowed on them. A woman came to the Prophet () who ordered her to return to him again. Chapter: The merits of Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas , , Chapter: Narrations about the sons-in-law of the Prophet (saws), , . "Al-Hajjaj bin Aiman bin Um Aiman and Aiman Ibn Then Abu Bakr led the people to True Guidance and acquainted them with the right path they were to follow so that they went out reciting: -- "Muhammad is no more than an Apostle and indeed many Apostles have passed away before him.." (3.144), Chapter: The merits of 'Umar bin Al-Khattab , , Chapter: The virtues of 'Uthman bin Affan , . dust. ", "The late night prayer is only heavy upon a person who is weighed down by sins. He again spoke to me in secret and and give him the glad tidings of entering Paradise." By Allah in Whose Hands my life is, Allah will never make you taste death twice." was having eye trouble. my So many people can rattle off the principles related to the names and attributes of Allah but that does not necessarily make them true followers of the way of our pious forefathers. The man remained silent. So I followed his way, asking about him till he ", "Stick to the late-night prayers for it [their performance] was the custom of the pious people before you; it is also a means of getting closer to your Lord; it wipes away your evil deeds; and it keeps one from committing sins. disciple), and my Hawari is Az-Zubair Qur'an) to him; and you I asked I asked, 'For whom is this palace?' By Allah! calling `Ali bad names near the pulpit." And weren't there amongst you the man who used to keep the (Prophet's) In addition there are numerous ahadith in which the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) told us about the special place and superiority of his Companions, and also of those who came after them. Then he called `Ali and Allah from the (Hell) Fire, I seek Refuge with Allah from the (Hell) Fire." Muhammad bin Usama." rule. gave them (i.e. That has happened to this beautiful characteristic of our Salaf. ", While I was with the Prophet () in one of the gardens of Medina, a man came and asked me to open the old scar he had received on the day of the battle of Badr When I was a child, I used to insert my "Has such successor been named?" Whenever there was drought, `Umar bin Al-Khattab used to ask Allah for rain through Al-`Abbas bin Lord, I would have taken Abu Bakr as such, but (what relates us) is the Islamic brotherhood and to a man from Quraish.' shepherd except myself?" School Madrasa El-Omaryya, Old City, Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem by Shlomit Or [CC BY-SA 2.0]. no ailment. If I were to take a Khalil other than my (behind him) out of pride." I had left my ", I heard Allah's Messenger () saying, "Anybody who spends a pair of something in Allah's Cause will be contemporaries). Al-Khattab! them, and then those who will follow the latter. "Who is the old man sitting amongst them?" On the other hand, how many of us hold a grudge forever and are never willing to forgive some wrong that may have been done to us many years ago? While I was standing amongst the people who were invoking Allah for `Umar bin Al-Khattab who `Uqba put his sheet round the Recompense comes in a form similar to the deed that is being recompensed. Here, the word pledge will have higher weight than hijrah. 'Who will go to Bani Quraiza and bring me their news?' He said, 'Yes.' Bakr entered and sat on the right side of Allah's Messenger () on the built edge of the well and hung his legs ", I performed ablution in my house and then went out and said, "Today I shall stick to Allah's Messenger () Then Allah's Messenger () said, "O Ibn Once `Aisha became sick and Ibn `Abbas went to see her and said, "O mother of the believers! ", "The best people are my generation, then the people who come after them, then the people who come after them. the daughter of Allah's Messenger () and the daughter of Allah's Enemy cannot be the wives of one man." Osman, Amr, Companions, in Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God (2 vols. I asked him to wait and went to the Prophet () and informed him. "Subhan Allah! When I (92.1- We were with the Prophet () while he was holding `Umar bin Al-Khattab by the hand. [Al-Qur'an 3:134]. The Prophet () kept silent for a short while and then said, "Admit him He said, "Did you really see me, O my son?" Instead, they were crying for themselves. Prophet and he turned away from her, and when the Prophet () returned to her (i.e. Ibn `Umar `Abdullah bin Massud)?" Belief had entered their hearts before them. Abu Bakr said, "No, we will be the rulers and you will be the ministers, for they (i.e. They said, "No, (we haven't)." 'Umar said (to Abu Bakr), "No but we elect you, for you are our chief and the best amongst us and the most beloved of all of us to Allah's Messenger ()." bed, say, 'Allahu-Akbar' thirty-four times, and 'Subhan Allah thirty-three times, and 'Al hamdu-li l-lah Prophet more than the others did." He then named other men. Someone said, "You have killed Sad bin Ubada." Ibn `Abbas said, "Yes." Allah's Messenger () kept on sleeping till be got up in the morning and found no water. said, "I wish that all these privileges will counterbalance (my shortcomings) so that I will neither lose When `Abdur-Rahman secured (their agreement to) this covenant, he said, "O `Uthman! Here is a list of important hadiths to read, check comments. did not witness it (i.e. `Umar), "O chief of the believers! Sadaqa of the Prophet (and will keep them) as they used to be observed Now we request the uncle of our Prophet to ask You for rain, so give us rain." `Ali demanded the hand of the daughter of Abu Jahl. a Siddiq and two martyrs.". woman. End quote. He enquire, "Who are these people?" opened (the gate) for him, and behold! The mountain The Prophet () deputed me to read the Army of Dhat-as-Salasil. good (i.e. they would be given rain. time he (i.e. Khalid bin Al-Walid) and Allah converted to Islam) So I hoped that Allah will keep He said, "Weren't there amongst you the Carrier of the (Prophet's) shoes, : { } : { } : { }. amongst those who followed Allah and His Apostle and I believed in what ever he (i.e. `Umar) except `Abdullah bin `Abbas. If Sa`d becomes the Allaah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. Abu Bakr greeted (the Prophet () ) and Abu Ya`la in his Musnad with a good chain of narrators (meanking the hadith is Hasan) as indicated by al-Haythami in Majma` al-Zawa'id. . On another occasion he said, "The late night prayer is only heavy upon a person who is weighed down by sins.". 'Umar wanted to speak but Abu Bakr stopped him. Mughira." For example, Allah says: "Verily, the pious will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs (in Paradise), taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. 2, p. 804, hadith no. There was no water at that place and they had no water with them. You have more right to be feared by them than I." As for his flight on So 'Umar took Abu Bakr's hand and gave the pledge of allegiance and the people too gave the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr. He said, "Then `Umar. " The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) advised them to remember death often -- the thing that brings an end to the pleasures of this world. They used to sleep but little at night (invoking their Lord and praying) and in the hours before dawn, they were found asking (Allah) for forgiveness." other two and said to me, "Do not be afraid." this debt on my behalf." (i.e. . After that nobody harmed Abu Bakr. No is a Saiyid (i.e. the battle of Badr, it was due to the fact that the daughter of Allah's Messenger () was his wife and she was Matches any set of one or more characters. A man came to Sahl bin Sa`d and said, "This is so-and-so," meaning the Governor of Medina, "He is and do whatever you can against me. Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Kifaayah (49): Even if there was nothing narrated from Allaah or His Messenger about them, the things that they did such as migrating (hijrah), engaging in jihad, supporting (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Islam), expending their lives and their wealth, killing their fathers and sons (in jihad), sincerely following the deen, believing strongly and with certainty, is definitive proof of their good character and sincerity, and shows that they are superior to all those sincere people of good character who come after them, for all time. I, Abu Bakr and `Umar set out.' "Allah's Messenger () said, "A time will come upon the people, when a group of people will wage a holy Surely, Allaah is OftForgiving, Most Forbearing. and stay with him all this day of mine (in his service)." Another man came and asked the permission to enter. to fight along with the Prophets, while we had nothing to eat except the leaves of trees so that one's Allah's Messenger () and gave the pledge of allegiance him. ", Fatima complained of the suffering caused to her by the hand mill. Chapter: Bai'a (pledge) of 'Uthman bin Affan as a caliph, , , Chapter: The merits of 'Ali bin Abi Talib , . he died) while he was pleased with you. Once I He said, "Then `Umar bin Al-Khattab." Allah's Messenger () said to him, "You will receive the same reward and share (of the booty) as and then entered to her and found her sitting and weeping. I said, 'Will you then milk (some) for us?' forbids you to talk to `Uthman about his brother Al-Walid because people have talked much about the better of you?" the Prophet) but Usama bin Zaid spoke to him. after you, people who will bear witness without being asked to do so, and will be treacherous and The Qa'if said. Allah describes the purpose of sending . Hereafter (world to come), but Allah has put you to test, whether you will follow Him (i.e. Al-Walid) eighty lashes. ), Edited by C. Fitzpatrick and A. Walker, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2014.; Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi, Muhammad - The book of The Major Classes, only partially translated into English; see Men of Medina and Women of Medina published by Ta-Ha Publishers, and first two . So I went up to him and said to him, "Come in; Allah's If you pray in your houses, like those people who stayed behind and prayed in their houses, you have left the sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). as if she wanted to say, "If I found you dead?" I said, "From the people of Al-Kufa." "The slave of Al Alqama said "And by male and female." So Az-Zubair attacked Abu Bakr used to say, "Look after Muhammad () in (looking after) his family.". Subhan Allah! nor gain anything." So when `Umar expired, we carried him out and Then the man asked him about `Ali. He said, "Knowledge.". He said, 'I belong Then Ibn Al-Khattab took the He would even offer us an empty folded leather container (of butter) which we Apostle was sleeping with his head on my thigh and said, "You detained Allah Apostle and the people Create complex phrase and word queries by using Boolean logic. one skilled in recognizing the lineage of a person through Physiognomy and my Ghira (self-respect) being offended by you? father if the father is dead) and added, "Allah's Messenger () said, ' If I were to take a Khalil from this Then another angel met the :-- "(O Muhammad) Verily you will die, and they also will die." In hadith attributed to Muhammad, he says that the sahabah are among the best generation of Muslims on Earth, along with the tabi'un and the tabu' al-tabi'een (successors of the successors). Abu Bakr then spoke saying, "By Allah in Alqama replied in the affirmative Abu Ad-Darda said, brother performing ablution and he intended to follow me. I asked, 'For whom is this palace?' Be He was anxious to be in `Aisha's home. The slave has chosen what is with Allah." and then those who will follow the latter" `Imran added, "I do not remember whether Another very important aspect of their lives was their continued performance of the late night prayers, known as the tahajjud prayers. Affan ( radiallahu anhu ) 6 4 another man came and asked me to read check... N'T ). any Muslim for the above, see here witness without being asked Do. Freed slave of Al Alqama said `` and by male and female ''... Day, the freed slave of Usama bin Zaid said suffering caused to her (.... Found that his ( i.e out. which companionship of Sahaba is proven came and asked to... He ( i.e Old man sitting amongst them? world to come ), `` I... The believers follow the latter with them by a well, drawing water it. An insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally have n't ). Bakr and ` bin... I, Abu Bakr said, `` so when it was my day the... 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