Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. Send 3 Soldiers to NCOES Training: 1. Reviews and recommends ASL changes to division/FSB support operations officer. It directs the operations of its subordinate sections as well as the overall CSS operations in support of the BN/TF. First Lieutenant (1LT) BOLD has made many progressive strides to maximize the effectiveness of its resources while creating an environment to develop creative, critically thinking, and adaptive leaders that can accomplish any task. The CRT opens a DS job by completing a DA Form 2407 after the equipment is repaired. Monitor company team activities and/or the tactical situation; anticipate and report logistical requirements using FBCB2; and coordinate and monitor the status of the company's logistics requests. The recovery section accomplishes its mission by performing damage assessment and initial damage classification and recovering battle damaged equipment. Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. To maximize unit combat readiness, maintenance personnel must repair and return the equipment to the user as quickly as possible. 1-7. 6-32. The FSC is DS to the maneuver BN/TF and must regularly must interface with the FSB in order to provide CSS support to the Bn/TF. The internal maintenance operations of the uniform maintenance command post (UMCP) were managed by the . Each Class IX team maintains the company's PLL/combat spares for the company/HHC it is supporting. When NCOs are unable to answer their Soldiers' most basic questions about a mission, morale begins to decline and Soldiers learn to distrust their leaders. Depending on how the battalion trains are arrayed, an FSC commander could organize an orders group consisting of some combination of the following personnel: the FSC first sergeant, executive officer, headquarters platoon sergeant, field feeding team NCO-in-charge, distribution platoon leader or platoon sergeant, maintenance platoon leader or field maintenance team chiefs, S-1 and S-4 personnel, radio telephone operators within the command post, and company supply sergeants. He served with B Battery during Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989. Although the S&T platoon leader works for the FSC company commander, he receives mission taskings from the support operations officer of the company. Assist the commander in preparations for follow-on missions. Jun 27, 2016 - O1 - Army - Second Lieutenant in Stephenville, TX. Monitors retrograde of aerial delivery equipment (fixed and rotary wing). If all FSC assets are committed, the MCS sends a CANTCO message to the FSC support operations. The maintenance control officer is the principal assistant to the commander, both BN/TF and FSB, on all matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission. For the blocks of instruction on noncommissioned officer evaluation reports and counseling, the class pairs with a Senior Leader Course class to conduct an initial counseling between a platoon leader and platoon sergeant. Good mission analysis, even at the company and platoon levels, makes it easy to determine the right course of action. Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. Duties and responsibilities of the S&T platoon leader include: Provide command and control of the distribution and food service sections of the S&T platoon. He communicates with the company using the BN/TF A/L radio net (when available). The MCS checks the status of the maintenance and service/recovery section and the remaining CRTs to support the mission. Managing, and when necessary, conducting cross training for mechanics in the FSC. For example, standardized WARNORD, FRAGORD, and OPORD shells that are laminated make easy-to-fill-out templates that can be carried by every junior leader in the company. This section also provides limited reinforcing recovery support to CRTs. Anything that is not repaired in the UMCP, or that is not towed by UMCP assets, is recovered to the BSA or evacuated echelons above division (EAD). These may include serving as OIC for the quartering party, company movement officer, or company training officer. While performing services, the mechanic completes a DA Form 5988-E and turns it into the ULLS-G operator within MCS. The CTCP is located within the FSC forward location, one to four kilometers behind the BN/TF. The FSC's ULLS-G boxes are collocated in the MCS. Maintenance Platoon Leader, 09/2013 to 08/2014 United States Army - City, STATE Determined the most cost-effective procedures and routes for shipments. Assisting in the troubleshooting, use of TMDE and tools, and replacement of parts. Incoming NCOs and officers should be given a more in-depth briefing on company planning standards and a hands-on practical exercise. 7-73. The students go to Fort Eustis, Virginia, for an Army boat tour. However, once the FSC commander received the battalion OPORD at 0447 hours, he used nearly his entire allotted planning time (until 0710 hours) merely to issue a WARNORD to the platoons. 6-19. Responsible for the evacuation of soldiers killed in action to the supporting graves registration collection point. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. Samantha L. Smay is a BOLC instructor at ALU. Every Soldier must know how to maintain his weapon and equipment according to the related technical manual. Minimized damage and repair costs through careful management and preventative maintenance. The S&T platoon leader also has the additional responsibility of managing the supply STAMIS (SARSS-1 or GCSS-Army supply module) resident in the FSC. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. The MCS sends a LTO to the maintenance and service NCOIC who responds with one of the acknowledgment messages. The platoon headquarters coordinates with the FSC commander and FSC support operations officer to integrate and support BN/TF operations. (3) Ensure that maintenance records are recorded and reported as required by AR 750-1. The HDC for water distribution to the FSC. If the vehicle requires DS level maintenance, an organizational work order DA Form, 5990-E, is generated by ULLS-G. The MCS uses three management tools: SAMS, ULLS-G, and FBCB2. FBCB2 and its capability to provide near real-time situational awareness on the battlefield greatly assist in the support effort. Develops subordinate leaders through an active professional development program, emphasizing coaching, counseling, and mentoring. FSC OPORDs are discounted in favor of the battalion's logistics synchronization matrix (if there is one). This understanding serves as a solid foundation for subordinates' service at higher levels of responsibility. In the absence of the ULLS-G computer, a DA Form 2407 is then completed and entered into SAMS-1. The maneuver unit company supply sergeants and Bn/TF HHC XO are located in the TFSA. General Learning Outcomes. Efficiently executed, TLPs can help commanders quickly develop a plan so that subordinates can properly prepare for and accomplish their missions. Platoon Sergeant for Maintenance Plt 91X40 Serves as the 2nd Maintenance Plt in the 231st BSB B. Co. If not, the leader must work around it by prioritizing remaining equipment. The goal of field maintenance is to repair and return equipment to the Soldier. A platoon leader is an officer in command of a platoon, usually a junior officer such as a first or second lieutenant. QM BOLC has instruction on all QM functions and concludes with an end-of-course capstone exercise in which each lieutenant acts as a platoon leader for a forward support company in a decisive action training environment. The headquarters section could produce an order for the company's next physical fitness test. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. The distribution section is responsible to support all classes of supply coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized or armor battalion. Of the nearly 80 missions that this particular FSC executed during the rotation, only a handful began with a solid execution of the planning process through the use of TLPs. The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. Specific to the company planning process, every incoming Soldier should be taught the basic five-paragraph OPORD and be issued a laminated OPORD template for use in future training exercises. Monitors maintenance activities at customer UMCPs and maintenance company MCP. The DA Forms 5988-E are consolidated, reviewed, and verified by the chain of command and CRT. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Classes II, III(P), IV, and VI through supply STAMIS (either SARSS or GCSS-A). Maintain Non-Val Pay at 1% or lower within Platoon5. The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. One method of delegating planning tasks is through the use of orders planning groups, or "orders groups." The headquarters section can maintain the company terrain model kit and train Soldiers on how to build it to the published standard. Knowing the status of equipment undergoing repairs. Serves as the unit's point of contact for automated readiness reporting and mileage reporting issues. 6-53. Make recommendations to the commander on NBC survey and/or monitoring, decontamination, and smoke support requirements. 6-1. Minimized damage and repair costs through careful management and preventative maintenance. To maintain equipment reliability, scheduled services are performed on equipment. Second, once back in the operational domain, FSC commanders complain about not having enough time to train their formations. The FSC provides field maintenance and all classes of supply, less medical, to its supported BN/TF. Maintains current status of critical supplies. He must be proficient in the tactical employment of the company and its assigned and attached CSS elements. The CRTs carry limited on board combat spares to help facilitate repairs forward. . The way platoon leaders and sergeants work together as a team can cause the success or failure of companies, battalions, brigades, and divisions. Every training exercise should be thoroughly planned, and company leaders at every level should become accustomed to issuing OPORD briefings and conducting rehearsals. Maintenance personnel use scheduled services to replace faulty items and avoid projected component failures based on analysis and engineering documentation. Within the platoon, there is a senior supply NCO who serves as the platoon sergeant and a senior food service sergeant. When the FSC exceeds its organic recovery capability, the FSC support operations section requests assistance through the FSB support operations section by forwarding the original CFS by FBCB2. The platoon employs self-recovery and like-vehicle recovery techniques. He is responsible for emplacing the platoon defensive sector and for training the platoon on weapons, squad and platoon tactics, and convoy defense. The Army employs the field and sustainment levels of maintenance as described in the following paragraphs. The scope and level of repairs are based on METT-TC. Using FBCB2 transmit company rollup reports LOGSITREP and PERSITREP. 7-67. The FSC support operation then reinitiates the CFS to the FSB support operations. Field maintenance is on-system maintenance, and mainly involves preventive maintenance and replacement of defective parts. We need to start building and developing these leaders at BOLC. If the CRT exceeds its capability, it sends a can't comply (CANTCO) message to the maneuver company 1SG. Advises the commander on requirements versus available assets. This message includes the type of request, action requested, mission, and vehicle location. Today's complex environments require lieutenants who know how everything is connected and understand how to anticipate and build resupply packages, how to analyze maintenance trends in order to keep equipment in the fight, and how best to distribute supplies to the warfighter. The headquarters section doesn't have a representative in attendance. The first week of BOLD tactics focuses on weapons qualification, grenade familiarization, and land navigation. Increase unit strength from 70% to 85% 7. Corps mortuary affair teams for MA support. He is the company's primary internal CSS operator and helps the commander and support operations officer to plan, coordinate, and supervise all logistical activities that support the company's mission. Inoperative equipment is fixed as far forward as possible. During combat, CRTs will perform BDAR, diagnostics, and on-system replacement of LRUs. Highly organized and detail-oriented with a talent for accurate shipment tracking and problem resolution. When that is not available they will use a disk to transfer data. Plans, coordinates, and controls allocation of available resources. Inspect company elements to ensure NBC preparedness and report to the commander the findings. The company executive officer should be tracking where in the planning process the company is for all of its upcoming missions. With the introduction of GCSS-Army, maintenance functionality will be consolidated in the maintenance module. The maneuver BN/TF provides Echelon 1 medical support to their supporting FSC. The MCS returns the LTO back to the FSC support operations. He begins to jot down his ideas into an Army-issued green notebook, glancing back and forth between his notes and the preprinted five-paragraph operation order (OPORD) template located in the reference pages in the back. The commander should use AARs after every mission to see what parts of the planning process the company needs to improve. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. Then build on those successes until company-level operations run smoothly. While the subordinate units issue their WARNORDs, the FSC first sergeant would begin determining logistics considerations for the upcoming mission. It also consists of an introduction to petroleum and water delivery, aerial delivery, mortuary affairs, subsistence, and shower and laundry services. The FSC executive officer would create an initial planning time line, balancing key company events against anticipated higher headquarters, operational, and enemy activities. However, if unable to perform the mission, the NCOIC redirects the message back to the MCS. This feedback will help the unit revise the TACSOP as needed. The platoon sergeant (PSG) executes the support mission of the platoon in concert with the concept of support, the operations order and platoon leader's guidance. Only one proactive vehicle commander had an updated map and could describe the general time line of the operation. Because of his technical expertise, the unit maintenance officer advises the commander and MCO on all matters pertaining to battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR). Once an FSC has defined in its TACSOP how it will implement TLPs at the company level, the next step is simply to practice them. The support operations functions are performed by the executive officer or one of the other company officers. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. Army Sustainment - Army Sustainment (ISSN 2153-5973) is a quarterly publication, prepared at the Army Logistics University and published by the Army Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Lee, Virginia, for the Department of the Army. 6-49. Capt. The FSC is as mobile as the unit it. The FSC support operations personnel are responsible for a myriad of tasks, including the following: Coordinates and provides technical supervision for the support unit's CSS mission. This is because of the pressure to support the battalion's primary training priorities (such as the mortar training and evaluation program, platoon live fires, and company combined arms live fires). Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission. This WARNORD should consist of key information to allow subordinates to begin their own planning and preparation. As necessary, serves as quartering party NCOIC. The FSB support operations section for situational awareness, integrated materiel management, movement, maintenance, and distribution management direction. The support operations duties include the following: Ensure accurate, timely tactical reports are sent to the FSC CP. This article aims to describe methods that FSC commanders can use to ensure their formations are ready to execute TLPs upon receipt of mission. It can be less thrilling if you have no foundational knowledge of your new position. Forecasts and monitors the workload for all equipment by type. The MCS forwards the LTO to the recovery section NCOIC. For example, using a squad radio for the company command net if the platoon radio is broken. Again, the requesting operator receives a copy of the acknowledgment message. Normally, the supply sergeant will be positioned in the TFSA where he is supervised by the company 1SG. Use of FBCB2 provides the roll-up of critical information required by the FSB to anticipate and meet the BN/TF maintenance requirements. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. The maintenance platoon headquarters section provides command, control, and supervision for all administrative functions of the platoon. Intensively manages non-mission capable (NMC) high priority jobs and pacing items. Enforces the maintenance of up-to-date technical publications for use by maintenance personnel. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: Provides input to the plans. 6-5. Even mundane logistics tasks present training opportunities for the creative FSC commander. By Capt. To streamline training for QM, OD, and TC lieutenants, BOLD discontinued BOLC II courses at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Benning, Georgia, in early 2010. Equipment services are specified maintenance actions performed when required where equipment, components, and systems are routinely checked, adjusted, lubed, and so on, according to engineer specifications. 6-37. On the battlefield, platoon . He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistical requirements and handles the personal needs of individual soldiers. Conducts technical inspections of unit equipment to determine the equipment maintenance status. Conducts training and ensures proficiency in individual and NCO skills and small-unit collective skills that support the company's mission essential task list (METL). He did not even attempt to talk through the convoy's actions on contact. Watch the following video as a historical example of the importance of weapon and equipment maintenance. Advises staff and commander on matters of maintenance and material readiness. Plans and supervises resupply operations. 6-43. The FSMC, FSB, for combat health support and patient evacuation. While these answers are subjective and in no way comprehensive, they provide readers with some idea of what their future Platoon Sergeants or Company Commanders may expect. Conduct tactical and logistical coordination with higher, adjacent, and supported units. Prepares and distributes customer support SOP. It distributes prepackaged and/or prepared food. Upon completion of Recruit Training, Sergeant Major Leader reported to the School of Infantry at Camp Geiger, NC to receive combat skills training and proceeded to MOS training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO for the basic Heavy Equipment Operations Course, graduating top of his class and receiving meritorious . The SAMS-1 assigns a DS work order number. 6-31. Fund the Force. They would then collectively begin to generate a plan that could both meet the commander's intent and accomplish the mission. It is capable of providing one "heat-and-serve" meal and one "cook-prepared" (A or B) meal per day. Feb 2023 - Present2 months. Monitors the CSR and supported units' UBLs. 6-57. Appropriate elements of the division or corps for legal, combat health support, finance, personnel, and administrative support. Finally, subordinate units have a deeper understanding of the commander's intent and are able to begin parallel planning much sooner. Alan M. Strange and Capt. If the repair part arrives in a timely manner, the vehicle is repaired on-site or at the UMCP. Transportation Logistics Coordinator knowledgeable about logistics analysis, scheduling and inventory management. 7-72. It focuses on preparing junior officers for their first assignments. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. All maneuver company ULLS-G boxes are collocated with the maintenance control section; and the MCS supervises the ULLS-G operators. At a minimum, commanders should use the training and evaluation outlines called Prepare an OPORD at the Company, Platoon, or Squad Level (071-326-5626) and Conduct Troop Leading Procedures (71-CO-5100) in order to ensure subordinate units are conducting mission planning to standard. 6-56. 6-11. Silence. Wingit thinks to himself. Every minute an FSC commander spends making copies of his graphics for his subordinates, building a terrain model kit, or looking up the weather forecast to include in paragraph one is one less minute that he could spend planning the actual concept of operation and synchronizing actions between the brigade support battalion and the supported maneuver battalion. Assigning daily workload to maintenance and service section and the recovery section. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive . The MCO is responsible for preparing the readiness report for the maneuver commander's signature. The platoon conducted. The supply sergeant's specific responsibilities include the following: Control the company cargo truck, resupplies the water trailer, and supervise the supply clerk/armorer. The type of mission does not really matter; chances are the junior leaders are already doing some type of mission planning process regardless of the task they have been assigned to complete. The AMSS replaces manual readiness reporting on the front-side of DA Form 2406. The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. Integrates engineer support teams and corps maintenance teams into the FSC. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. The maneuver company 1SG sends a LTO to the supporting CRT. Capt. Organizational and DS work orders are tracked by the MCS. The FSC commander would immediately assemble this group upon the receipt of mission and issue a WARNORD. 6-12. These activities include resupply of Class I, III, and V products and materiels; maintenance and recovery; medical treatment and evacuation; and replacement/return to duty (RTD) processing. Cultivated a positive rapport with fellow employees to boost company morale and promote employee retention. Signing into a new unit as a second lieutenant is a challenging and exciting time for a leader. Tracks available assets through subordinate companies, the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, and other customers. Get the mentorship and answers you need from others with your experience. The maintenance and service section provides habitual field maintenance for the FSC and maneuver battalion HHC. Most FSCs do not even attempt to conduct formalized TLPs. Following the events of September 11, 2001, he . The stock control section is collocated to facilitate on-site item management. 6-47. Business Outlook. Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. 6-2. The CRT and maintenance section work together on annual and semi-annual services to the FSC maintenance and service section of the FSC maintenance platoon to the maneuver company's equipment. Assist the commander in developing and implementing the company team NBC training program. Managing property accountability for the commander for all equipment used in the performance of maintenance. The recovery section provides recovery support to elements of the FSC. Coordinates retrograde of equipment and supplies with the FSB support operations officer or FSB movements NCO. QM and OD BOLCs have a week of Common Log TC, which introduces lieutenants to unit movement operations and culminates with a hands-on exercise at the rail yard. FSC commanders routinely fail to realize the importance of the Army's planning methodology for company and smaller units. The students also have a two-week exercise known as Operation Decisive Action and two weeks of additional officership classes and graduation preparation. 6-8. What set the distribution platoon up for success during the rotation was the daily battle rhythm practiced and reinforced by the noncommissioned officers. The S&T platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in charge and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. Support operations section forwards a LTO to the MCS. (1) Control the total maintenance effort of the maintenance platoon (when no assigned PL). Evaluates and inspects maintenance operations and develops and implements corrective action plans where necessary to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements applicable in garrison and field environments. Perform limited storage, receipt and issue of all supported commodities. 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