Known for his involvement in the occult, which was popular interest in 18th century France, Saint Germain was also believed to be an alchemical master, so much so he is known as the Violet Flame, referring to the highest frequency of spiritual energy. Francis Bacon was fully aware of Dees library, as were all the royalty. I may give them the spiritual Light, but who will rescue the children physically? Lisa Trank began writing after many years as a performing artist an actress and singer and is happy to bring those years of crafting characters and storytelling into her writing life. Saint Germain revealed manythings which have been held in secret, and sacredly guardedfor many centuries. Here is the transcript of this YouTube video of Elizabeth Clare Prophet I Believe in the United States of []. Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. He says that the aspirant might feel a tap on the shoulder and hear inviting words that ask one to come to the threshold and prepare for spiritual ascent. It is called: I have known of the great whole, the principle and the end. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. Understand the times and the seasons. We oversee and minister to the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. I have seen gold thick in the depths of the double mercury; I have seized its substance, and surprised its changing. [14](Theosophists regard "the Master Jesus" and "Christ" as two separate and distinct beings. This is due to the gravity of our times and the high-stakes waged in the battle for the human soul and spirit. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. For a brief time, I offered my services to her organization. ), According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Francis Bacon made it appear that he died on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626, and even attended his own "funeral" in disguise. individuals. The stories about the masters kept getting bigger all the time. When he, with eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, o, , Not even royalty. Marks material was beautifully inspired, but not sufficiently grounded in the practical realm. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. This book not only carries the Ascended Masters Understanding of the I AM, but is charged with Saint Germains Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained. . I turned to my friend to see his reaction and he was in a trance of some sort. It became extremely strained when Mark died, leaving Elizabeth as the head of Summit Lighthouse. Some write that his name St. Germain was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother". Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this "undiscovered country." They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. He is often pictured as the well-known alchemist known during the reign of Louis XV, King of France ( 1710-1774). Here is the transcript of this YouTube video of Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain, alchemy and the violet flame: We are, then, at [], This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set, I Believe in the United States of America by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. [citation needed], Books claimed by Guy Ballard to have been dictated to him by Saint Germain, "Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy" (Meru Press, 2015), "Adventures of a Western Mystic: Apprentice to the Masters, Book II" (Church of the Seven Rays, 2010), "Saint Germain" (claimed to have been dictated by St. Germain to, Johnson, Paul K. Initiates of Theosophical Masters (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995), Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:52, authored the complete Plays attributed to Shakespeare, United States Declaration of Independence, Golden Age civilization centered in a city called "The City of the Sun",, Organizer behind the scenes for the Secret Societies in Germany in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. There is no wrong path in understanding St. Germain because he is one of the deepest and most mysterious humans to ever live, and a full expose on his life teachings include theosophy, history, speculative masonry, the Summit Lighthouse, the Aquarian Foundation, and many other paths that are rich in content from St. Germain. Be Empowered. Blavatsky herself told of meeting her master in England and Tibet. Dee went to Europe to make the arrangements for England and Europe to unite through the marriage that would spark a Reformation that would break away from the power of the Papacy. His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the St. John/St. The Saint-Germain Cycle: . I AM the purity God desires. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. Manly Palmer Hall, in his The Secret Teachings of All Ages, describes some of the same attributes as Bernard, including the attribution of the writings of Shakespeare to a great adept like Francis Bacon, who could be amalgamated with the Count of St. Germain. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. Dame Francis Yates gives a beautiful exposition of this matter in her important book, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment. [16], The scholar K. Paul Johnson maintains that the "Masters" that Madame Blavatsky wrote about and produced letters from were actually idealizations of people who were her mentors. Since according to Theosophy, the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". Germain then had numerous incarnations as a martyr. He is looked to as the embodiment of the . He laughed again and spoke words that sounded like bells ringing: There are many mysteries you have yet to uncover in this forest, Douglas but you will.. Saint Germain protects and loves America, and over the years has protected our liberties and freedoms. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Be Inspired. And, for those that read my writings, you know that my chosen path, after many years of study, was and is anthroposophy, or as we express it now-- neoanthroposophy. The threshold is thinning and more assistance is needed to help humans cross the threshold between the physical world and the spiritual world and to help fight the Luciferic beings falling into our realm from the hierarchy and the elemental worlds. We are happy to learn of your interest in the original Teachings of Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Ascended Masters through this "I AM" Activity of the Saint Germain Foundation. Hiram is the master who is killed, but raised again through the efforts of the masonic lodge and its rituals. However, many believe that was the only the first of his many incarnations, including that of Ascended Master.. The need of protection and help for the children of earth is so great at the She felt that his capacities were greatly diminished. St. Germain - May 15, 1954 Ellen wanted me to tell her if one or both of the two St. Germain channelers were untruthful or fraudulent. There will be a bloodthirsty republic, whose scepter will be the executioners knife.. The third volume, The 'I AM' Discourses, contains material that is foundational to the sacred scriptures of the "I AM" Religious Activity, founded in 1930 the first of the Ascended Master Teachings religions. Prior to St. Johns incarnation, he was the being known as Hiram Abiff, the master builder who was raised from the dead in the rituals of freemasonry, according to some accounts. Our sensitivity is heightened, and although many of these feelings are extremely painful, our ability to experience this pain also leaves us open to the possibility of truly feeling everything the world has to offer. They would draw the curtain open and be amazed at who was looking back at them. She was incredibly dynamic and formidable in her pursuits of spirituality, and was clairvoyant to a degree, which was easy for me to recognize having been clairvoyant since my birth. Those report visitations include theosophists such as. We are at our most vulnerable, our most creative, and in a sense, our most awake and alive during times of emotional pain. Nothing came into print without Bacons permission and additions. So it was no surprise to me when I first met Ellen at her beach house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina that she would have in her possession some of the gems and crystals that Keith claimed were apported from his mouth, ears, and eyes. THE POWER OF LIGHT IN YOU IS THE POWER OF GOD, THE "MIGHTY I AM.". When we met, Ellen was in her seventies. Job in Saint-Germain-de-Grantham - Quebec - Canada. Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine Through Ellens introduction, Elizabeth and I met numerous times and had tremendous discussions about the spirit. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.[9]. She pulled down secret lessons that stacked up two feet high. Sometimes numerous beautiful crystals were in a special hand-made container that showed that they were a set that related to some initiation that St. Germain (Keith) had put her through in the past. She founded the Summit Lighthouse in 1958 with her husband Mark L. Prophet, as well as the Church Universal and Triumphant, centered on Saint Germain. And least you dismiss this story as preposterous, Keith was tested many times under tremendous scrutiny for his ectoplasm feats and was not found to be a charlatan, at least for these manifestations. Saint Germain and Portia deliver to the people of God the dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh raythe violet ray of freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and sacred rituala new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy. Each crystal had a story, and she loved telling me how much she paid for each and the circumstances that manifested it. No one knew where he lived or anything about him. I held steadfastly to a great dominant desire from Within -, to see, to hear, and to know, infallibly, the Truth of Life. contact it so powerfully upon each individuals own Divinity, that the full BuyI Believe in the United States of America. Then, Keith would speak in the voice of the person his ectoplasm appeared to be. He was also known by other pseudonyms, including the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy, and Prince Rkczi, son of Francis II Rkczi of Transylvania. Sometimes I wonder if I didnt go on that hike with him as my life has unfolded in the most amazing journey that one can imagine. There, at the main house, her collection of Keiths apported crystals and gems were breathtaking, and she knew it. Because I didnt want to outright reject Ellens offer to take over where she thought Keith and Clare were faltering, I asked her for any written works channeled through Keith that I could read. Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with this Activity. Quality: Freedom, Alchemy, Justice, Diplomacy, Transmutation He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. I have spent considerable time and effort trying to solve this mystery and have read many of the books on the subject. The former is a compilation of letters, diaries, and private records written about the Count by members of the French aristocracy who knew him in the 18th century. Germain/Christian Rosencreutz as they approach the threshold to the spiritual world. His smile melted all fear and only love could be in his presence. Probably the two best-known biographies are Isabel Cooper-Oakley's The Count of St. Germain (1912), and Jean Overton-Fuller's The Comte de Saint-Germain: Last Scion of the House of Rakoczy (1988). This legendary encounter resulted in a series of books, which Ballard said Saint Germain dictated to him and are known as the, , an organization dedicated to the teachings and wisdom received by Ballard and headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, each book and discourse carries the definite radiation and consciousness of the Ascended Masters., , a member of the I AM Activity, also reported a life-altering visitation from Saint Germain and believed him to be among the most prominent of the Ascended Masters. Le Germain Hotel Quebec. The main purpose of coming together and decreeing is to offer up our energy to Beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters so They may take up the energy, amplify it, and return It to bless and protect and act in all activities which They know need the assistance. The study of St. Germain and his teachings can lead the initiate into magical places in the great forest of consciousness where he can Know Thyself and, eventually, Know Her. St. Germain and the Master Jesus were quite hidden from outer history as they travelled throughout the world inspiring those who make history. The great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who has played an essential role in the spiritual evolution of humanity for thousands of years, gave these teachings to us.Saint Germain was a key force in the founding of the United States of America as a sanctuary for freedom and equality. The Strauss waltzes carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with Saint Germain. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the "Hierarch of the Age of Pisces". One of the masters always stands at the doorway between the physical and spiritual to help transitioning souls. The first two volumes, Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, written by Guy Ballard as "Godfr Ray King", describe Saint Germain as an Ascended master, like Jesus, who is assisting humanity. The doctrines of the organization are based on teachings and wisdom . Andreas was considered to be the founder of the Rosicrucians because he wrote the three first books that became popularly disseminated through the Unity Brethren Church in Moravia. world was given us over a period of thirty years, that it might be accomplished at This was a preparation for the first Christian ritual of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. We often overlook the importance of the little, comforting things we can do to help nurture ourselves through hard times. Other masters, male and female, also incarnate and work either in the East, the Center, or the West. The spiritual goal of the teachings is that, through a process of self-purification, the believer may attain the perfected condition of the saints, or become an ascended master when leaving their body, contrasted to common concepts of 'ordinary death'. The Saint Germain Movement is a religious organization, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat. protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves I AM a being of violet fire, Guy W. Ballard, hiking in northern California, met the Ascended Master Saint Germain on the side of Mount Shasta. But they all agreed that he was the wisest person they had ever spoken with and was so loving that they couldnt believe someone like him exists. She had an extensive library of the public and secret teachings of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse, all of which she made available to me in return for my agreeing to consider her offer to reinvigorate the Aquarian Foundation after Keith came back from prison. to the outer world until now. With modern times looking apocalyptic every day, one naturally asks the question: Where are the ascended masters when we need them the most? Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. The cyphers of Francis Bacon are found in many works and consistently show his influence over the printed word in English history. Ranked as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, we are renowned for our attentive and personalized service and, the iconic style of our various hotels and restaurants. The Shakespeare Code, by Virginia M. Fellows, "Shakespeare" Identified, by John Thomas Looney, Secret History of Francis Bacon, by Alfred Dodd, Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown, by Andrew Lang, Bacon is Shakespeare Together with a Reprint of Bacon's Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, by Francis Bacon and Edwin Durning-Lawrence, Shakespeare Bacon Conundrum: Direct Evidence of Francis Bacon's Shakespeare Authorship, by Russell Storrs Hall. You would know them by their words. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. The Eternal Law of Life is: What you think and feel, you bring into form; where your thought is, there you are, for you are your consciousness; and what you . The Rakoczy March, by Franz Liszt, carries the flame of his heart and the formula of the violet flame. Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. There is also a facility in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Denver, Colorado.. Initiation: on the Seat-of-the-Soul Chakra It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. 2.5 hours, $29.95, #DVSETP09004. He says this, "my special interest has focused on America and the expansion of freedom for all. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. According to certain Theosophists, "Christ" is identified as being a highly developed spiritual entity whose actual name is Maitreya. Helping Ellen discern whether the teachings of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse wasnt the first time I had helped in odd situations like this. Diplomats, priests of the sacred fire, actors, writers and defenders of freedom serve with Saint Germain on the seventh ray. Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rkczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. Comenius was the archetypal Rosicrucian fallen into materialism. We overseeand ministerto the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. A wealthy benefactor interested in having a direct connection to St. Germain, Ellen had met Keith Rhinehart at one of his renowned sances where he famously would go into a closet, draw the curtain, and in the dark emit ectoplasm from his eyes, ears, and mouth (even with tape over them) that would form a shape of a master, or anyone the inquiring person was asking about. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings The Mighty "I AM" Presence GOD IN YOU. The Master Jesus was previously the being called Zarathustra, the priest-king of ancient Persian times. She had said numerous times that she would fund the project just as she had funded the early work of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded. After Mark died, Elizabeth said he became a master that she channeled exclusively. I asked him if my friend and I could go with the group that he was going to take on a hike. Lotus Ray King (Edna Ballard's pen name), wife of Guy Ballard, talked about this book having been authored by the Ascended Master Saint Germain in the Round Table Talks of the "I AM" Religious Activity. According to this theory, Francis was raised by the Bacon family, yet knew of his true birth, and left numerous hints throughout the Shakespearean canon of this, in the form of explicit clues in the text of the plays, in pictures, and in the alleged use of Bacon's cipher in the works. First printed in 1670, the book includes a picture of the Polish Rider, Rembrandt's famous painting at the Frick Collection in New York City, which is said to be of Sir Francis Bacon, AKA the Comte de Gabalis, or the Count of the Cabala. Not for thousands of years have the True Inner Instruction and Use of You will have amazing results! As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others. Saint-Germain-de-Kamouraska is a municipality in the Canadian province of Quebec, located in the Kamouraska Regional County Municipality . As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others. They were both intrigued by his teachings which are still somewhat secret and quite developed, much like another spiritualists I would meet during this time through EllenElizabeth Clare Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse. Lessons From The I Am Discourses One of the real lessons of The I Am Discourses is what do we identify with and who are we? Then I forgot what I had asked. I witnessed both become St. Germain in the blink of an eye. Not long after, I began to sense that Ellen wanted me to take over where she felt Keith and Clare were faltering. This historical fact is little known. Every progressive aspirant has the opportunity to meet and work with St. John/St. Bacons natural scientific perspective led the world into materialism, not spirituality. In the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. Learn why what appears to be chaos is actually the beginning of a new harmony and why disasters are necessary. Her den was filled with priceless artifacts and books from floor to ceiling. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who THE thirty-three Discourses contained in this book were dictated over a visible They said he would just show up exactly when the group had free time and take people to magical places in the sequoia forest. In the works authored by Alice A. Bailey, Saint Germain is called Master Rakczi or the Master R.[11] In the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Rakoczi, otherwise known as the Great Divine Director, is regarded as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters. Earth's spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy. ", It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have; and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application.. the Sacred Flame been taught to mankind as Saint Germain and others of the The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room. Dee and Francis Bacon knew each other quite well, and Shakespeare knew Francis Bacon equally as well. He formed secret societies and was a leading figure in the Rosicrucians, Freemasons and Knights Templar of the period. This can be found prominently in all their works as they developed over time. Bacon had his hand in everything that was printed in the court. St. John was called Lazarus before he was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. can make us feel as if our world of familiarity and comfort is crumbling away beneath us, leaving us with a sense of emptiness and shaken emotional instability. The discourses have 33 volumes and guide you through tapping into and understanding the I am presence and what that means. Keith, who was gay, was sentenced to five years in prison in 1965 for sodomy, charges that he protested during his three year sentence. His skills were praised by Louis XV, who provided him a laboratory and residence at the royal castle of Chambord. Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. A rifle, which she was fully capable of using, leaned against the corner of the room, just in case anyone had mischievous intentions for her treasures. What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You, Dr. Bradley Nelson On How to Break Down Our Heart Walls, How 'The Boy with the Broken Brain' Became A World Leader in Learning, 3 Powerful Tips to Activate the Law of Attraction in Your Life, Amma: The Loving, Hugging, Humanitarian Saint, Sacred Power: Medical Intuition and Why People Don't Heal, Ocean Noise Pollution From Drilling and Sonar Is Beaching Whales, Buckminster Fuller's Spaceship Earth Is More Relevant Than Ever, We Can Easily Solve The Problem of Food Waste, 7 Tools for Managing Overwhelming Emotions, Push Away Nothing: The Art of Receptivity, 7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negativity, 5 Life-Healing Lessons We Can Learn from Animals. He was an entire orchestra who make history he was in her important book saint germain teachings the Center, the! He says this, & quot ; my special interest has focused on America and the end presence also within! 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