We Thank You for a bright day under heaven, Your goodness is immeasurable, thank You Lord. He emphatically claims that He alone is the sole doorway or entrance into a relationship with God. If you're looking for big city pizzazz with Spanish charm, here are five reasons to visit For example, why was God so glutton on animal sacrifices in such a big way? WebJesus Christ is unique from any other person who ever lived because no ones name is misused more than his, his life marks our time in history, he was conceived of the Holy The creation can be divided into the spiritual and spiritual worlds. We may heal people in His name, and thats true and good, but that wont make us become Him in the long run. He assembled a council of judges, and brought it before the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ, whose name was James. Yes, God has given all these health preventative measures long ago. And Jesus wasnt hoping for us to have a little bit of happiness. If indeed there is a way, wont you take it? A person of note, they claim, should have left some evidence of his life. Jesus went on to say in John 14:15, If you love Me, keep My commandments.. Christian ethics teaches us how to live for the glory of God. 7 of the 13 Epistles attributed to St Paul (Philemon, Romans, Corinthians I, II, Philippians, Thessalonians I and Galatians) are considered to have been written by him directly. In Part 1, we cover reasons five through six. It's a clear day out on the lake. Of course, none of us will choose the latter option purposely, but it seems thats what we are doing each and every day of our lives. When He says whatever he says, he meant it. Leave It. Why slaughter and burn an animal twice a day? Some people believe He is more than a prophet because He is God, the Son. But Jesus is the only way to life. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He voluntarily went to the cross on behalf of rebellious sinners because the only way we can be reconciled to a holy God is through the penalty of death. Did you know He said the same thing about Himself? Where Its Hardest to Follow Jesus: 1. In the same way, these abstract teachings are harder to understand than mathematics or natural sciences lessons. Again, Jesus knew everything that is happening today when He was still alive in a human form. Reparation: okay, so We are called to be humble like Him, suffer as He did, and live exemplary lives, but we will never be in an equal match to His character as mere humans.
Faithful Father, we are before You. I realized I cant change in my own power. The other reason is that we dont believe we can do so. We dont know how many worlds and universes are there. How Old is Too Old To Trick or Treat? My role model is Jesus, the Christ. Does it mean that COVID-19 is a spirit, or that there is a spiritual side of it that needs spiritual warfare to overcome it? As Christ followers, the Someone we are to follow is Jesus. Jesus the Christ is the truth, the only truth because He is truth Himself. The Dinka and the Nuer people in South Sudan were governed by their own chiefs, so they had chiefdoms instead of kingdoms. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Or does it? This is not a personal belief. Get this book now and read it to discover and gradually improve both yourself and your career. Afghanistan 3. To begin with, His name and title made Him unique. Web6 Powerful Reasons to Follow Jesus instead of the World 1. He who FOLLOWS Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'' There are some good addictions, and this is one of them. The more we are aware of and experience Gods love in our own lives, the more prone we are to respond in love by serving Him. Start Your Book Writing Project Today! When he was a man, Christ was a man who exemplified what one can do when they are righteous and free of sin. 10: Buy America Maximizes Taxpayers Investment. Why should we? Meditate a little on the mercy of God. The Message. Denver gang member gave 14-year-old permission to open fire on woman with AR-15 after fender-bender, DA alleges, In 4 years, Lori Lightfoot went from breakout political star to divisive mayor of a Chicago beset by pandemic and crime, Florida lawmakers to consider expansion of so-called dont say gay law, Drone crashes at Disneyland after hovering over visitors heads See video, Rapper Travis Scott wanted for assaulting Manhattan club sound engineer, destroying $12K in equipment, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. I turned over so many leaves in my life I looked like Sherwood Forest! Pros and Cons for Each Team to Win the Super Bowl LVII, 15 Must-Have Basketball Training Apps for Every Player, The Best Athletes Heading into the Last Few Years of their Careers, The Worlds Best Professional Snowboarders: Our Rundown, Top 10 Reasons School Uniforms Should Be Banned, Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed, 10 Reasons The Death Penalty Should Be Legal, 10 Reasons Why You Should Date a Man with a Beard, Top 10 Reasons Euthanasia Should Be Legal Everywhere, Affiliate, Paid, and Sponsored Post Disclosure, Thank you for your Sponsored Post Purchase. If He is indeed God, then He is the truth because everything is because He makes everything become. Something holds them together, and these scientists named it, the string. Or is he a construct a mythical figure created by a group of men looking for a unifying figurehead to use as the lynchpin of a new religion? He wants us to have fullness of joyoverflowing, abundant. Those strings are weird because they are the clues of the source. The failure to disprove something does not constitute proof of its existence. We should follow His example and walk in obedience to His commands and love our neighbor as ourselves and engage in ministries that help alleviate suffering in our world. You will be amazed that what the Bible said many years ago is now very close to our discovery. This is a Christian concept. But he first came for God. We can date it fairly accurately because there are several key events that would have had an impact on the young Church The Martyrdom of Paul in AD62, the Fire of Rome and subsequent persecution of Christians in AD64 and the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70. Why? Jesus described Himself as the truth, with that definite article, [the] even in the original language of the New Testament. Web1. He teaches the truth, His very own nature. Its a good thing to pursue. This is because none of the kings, who ruled and died before Him, and even those who came after Him, lived, died, and rose again. We know that the oldest documents we have are very similar to each other, they hardly deviate at all which shows that their contents are unlikely to have been tampered with. They are beyond cells and their smaller contents and units. Me? He was, He is, and He will always be unique, though we resemble Him in many ways. Jesus Himself demonstrated this when He denied If the gospel stories are but creative stories, then our faith is indeed in vain. If He rose again, and we believe He did, then He is the ruler of life and that of death. He is love. If the circumstances in our lives are less than Tullian pastored two churches in The payoff? For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. The Gospels tell us that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist (it is one of the events on which they all agree see above), in an event that marked the start of his great ministry. What should we do when we fall into sin? The Bible says as He is so are we in this world (1John 4:17), but this never meant we have His leadership exactly the same as He was. If Mark was making the whole thing up why would he make a simple mistake like claiming Jesus was from Nazareth. He is considered to be one of the most important and revered prophets in Islam. Rather, we want to do it to others as others want it done to them, and we think it makes a huge difference: personal preferences. None have a perfect God-man who died for our sins and rose from the dead. We no longer do to others as we want them to do for us. Furthermore the accounts of Tacitus and Josephus complement each other but did not influence each other meaning there are two independent but compatible sources of evidence. David and his son Solomon were great leaders and many more. Victims died from exhaustion leading to asphyxiation. For Christians and Muslims therefore the existence of Jesus, both the man and the son of God is a matter of faith. Have you ever heard of quantum physics? We can also connect online @ www.facebook.com/japshalom. Jesus is the prophet, not a prophet. I was a desperate man who took desperate measures. While we will never come close to his wonders, we can try to live in the way that he lived and honor his If I do, people will look to me, not to God, because I will love it when people praise me instead of the source of power, God. Iran 9. How often do we do things without knowing why? If the Gospel of Luke was written before the Acts, sometime in the late 50s AD it is likely that, giving time for copies to be made and disseminated the Gospel of Mark is likely to have been written in the late 40s or early 50s AD and so could easily have been written by people who knew and worked closely with Jesus and witnessed the crucifixion. But what am I most involved in? Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Through Him, we can have eternal life and not have to suffer eternally for our sins. Some sceptics claim that the fact that the earliest copies of the Gospels that have survived date to about a century after the life of Jesus about 150AD for the earliest document means that they cannot be trusted to be accurate. The man you see there is Brain Deacon, not Jesus the Christ. To help, here are 10 reasons Jesus came: Jesus came to glorify God. Help us create more great content. It is important to note that Josephus was not a Christian, he was a devout Jew who would have been skeptical of any person claiming to be the Messiah. At that moment Larry adds, Oh, you may have been asking me about my relationship. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Ash from the Jabal ad Druze volcanos could have easily darkened the sky of Jerusalem and it is not unlikely that any earthquake activity could have set off some volcanic activity in that field. The Masters final words recorded in Johns gospel were to Peter when He once again (with emphasis) commanded: You follow Me! (John 21:22). The answer of course is religion. But Jesus led the people to God, not to Himself, though He was, He is, and He will forever be the same, God. WebWhy There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments Armin Navabi 1. He said He was about to give His life away, and then claim it back on the early Easter Sunday morning when He rose again from the dead. But often we get confused about what that really means for us here on earth. It would have been an extremely valuable piece of propaganda to help lure converts to the new faith yet the early church fathers excluded it why? He just wont be ignored. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Impossible Nigeria 10. Do not disbelieve, but believe. Thomas answered him, My Lord and my God! His confession is none other than an absolute surrender to the Lordship of Christ as God! Do you see the point? God knew that sicknesses can travel from person to person through these unwanted social activities, such as hugging, kissing, etc. But Larry loves to string them along by telling them his religion is bass fishing. 4: Jesus is worthy of our wor-ship because He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus sceptics like to claim that there are no contemporaneous accounts of the life of Jesus in the records of the Temple, the Court of Herod or Roman records. And finally, if Jesus died to save us from sin and its consequences, then He is the only high priest who prays for us before God each and every day. Would He be a loving God still? One of my Bible questions that I keep asking is this: will God condemn those who never heard about Jesus and yet they died? There were many before Jesus came, and there were many prophets in His day and age. Oh, my! But now I know that God demanded all these [just as He did in each and every tribe of people in His own way]. 6: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the ONLY way of salvation. Jesus prophecies against the city of Jerusalem were fulfilled after His death and resurrection in A.D 70, about forty years later. But Jesus is the same being, God. You believe in Jesus, so you follow Jesus. That does not mean that we discount the original. Joshua was a leader. Buy America has the potential to provide an additional boost. 10. Establish a regular sleep schedule. But all the time, money and energies I was pouring into those pursuits did not give me the kick I was looking for. He has The Jewish Messiah was not supposed to be an innocent, a savior who sacrificed himself. I want to go to heaven to be with Jesus and my family forever. Jesus leads with His own life as an example. In recent years, however, there has been a movement amongst certain atheist communities to establish that Jesus never existed at all. With But none was, is, and will ever be equal to the divine healer, the God-man, Jesus the Christ. Where do the Israelites get all these animals in the desert? Salvation: we are sinners in need of a Savior. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. In the final analysis, the Christian life is not about me. Whether out of honest curiosity or defensive insecurity, the person will almost always come back with the question: What religion are you? Larry, of course, knows the person is really asking him what church or denomination hes part of. If someone as important as the Roman procurator could completely disappear, how much more a humble workman? Related: Good vs Evil: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans. Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), and this shows us that God is love. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7 (NASB), And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 (NASB), Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. Adam was a leader. Jesus identity is one major theme of If Jesus the Christ indeed rose again, then why are we not following Him forever? To be able to truly say: I like being with you in your presence; it brings me pleasure is just about the biggest compliment you can pay anyone. I am into Jesus. We are lost, helpless, hopeless and hell-bound sheep without a shepherd going our own way into sin and destruction, and Jesus reaches down into our depravity and chaos and brokenness and doesnt wait for us to get our act together or somehow earn His favor. Related Scripture Readings. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets. Matthew 22:36-40 (NASB), If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9(NASB), But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 (NASB), Having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of Gods mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2-3 (NASB), Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. Blue Light. It was as if a wave of truth washed my clouded mind. I did: I was 18, had a Christian mother, went to church, had a Bible, ate apple pie, believed in God, and was even vice-president of my Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter. The opening words of Acts are The former treatise have I made O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach The former account referred to can only be the Gospel of Luke which we know, from the opening verses was also written to Theophilus. Who sacrificed Himself some people believe He did, then our faith is indeed God, the truth! Some people believe He is the ruler of life and not have to suffer eternally for our sins and from. Heaven, your goodness is immeasurable, Thank you Lord here are 10 reasons Jesus to... 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