Only a few sentries were left to guard the heights overlooking the mighty St. Lawrence river; but, while they slept, the soldiers of General Wolfe scaled the heights of the river and defeated the French the next morning on the plains of Abraham. Romans 11:16 - If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too. The character of a lawful civil governor, Romans 13:4. Not in chambering - This is no legitimate word, and conveys no sense till, from its connection in this place, we force a meaning upon it. with Christ unto sin, that we may lead a new life of. Home > Study Desk. How the Gentiles should walk so as to please God, and put on Christ Jesus in order to their salvation, Romans 13:13, Romans … Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. Deeds that are becoming to Christians are those of virtue, integrity, faithfulness, purity, and love. A way of conveyance so ingenious and unexceptionable that even Nero himself, had this epistle fallen into his hands, could not fail of seeing his duty clearly stated, without finding any thing servile or flattering on the one hand, or offensive or disgusting on the other. The whole Jewish nation groaned under the yoke of Roman tyranny, longed to escape it, and had participated in a number of bloody insurrections against Roman authority. In ancient times, God, in an especial manner, on many occasions appointed the individual who was to govern; and he accordingly governed by a Divine right, as in the case of Moses, Joshua, the Hebrew judges, and several of the Israelitish kings. The great apostle Paul was proud of his Roman citizenship, invoked its protection, and refused to pay a bribe to Felix, despite the fact that a bribe was solicited and would have procured his release from prison. Christ's usage of such terms as the officer, the judge, and the prison, in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:25) also fits this conclusion. It existed contemporaneously with Christ and the apostles. With such political notions, grounded on their native restlessness, it is no wonder if in several instances they gave cause of suspicion to the Roman government, who would be glad of an opportunity to expel from the city persons whom they considered dangerous to its peace and security; nor is it unreasonable on this account to suppose, with Dr. Taylor, that the Christians, under a notion of being the peculiar people of God, and the subjects of his kingdom alone, might be in danger of being infected with those unruly and rebellious sentiments: therefore the apostle shows them that they were, notwithstanding their honors and privileges as Christians, bound by the strongest obligations of conscience to be subject to the civil government. No. The dread of punishment; this weighs with the ungodly. Can any man suppose that this address is to the Christians at Rome? For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery - He that loves another will not deprive him of his wife, of his life, of his property, of his good name; and will not even permit a desire to enter into his heart which would lead him to wish to possess any thing that is the property of another: for the law - the sacred Scripture, has said: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Being part of the institution "ordained of God," which is the state, they partake of the dignity and authority pertaining to it, and are entitled to obedience, respect, courtesy, honor, and the cooperation of all Christians, who, in the discharge of such obligations, are doing so "as unto the Lord," and not "as unto men," for such is the commandment of the scriptures. Not Yet a Member? The Adam Clarke Commentary. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, on Aberrations may be catalogued and failures noted; but, in the principal part, and in the overwhelming number of examples afforded by history, Paul's language here must stand as unchallenged truth. He said: The discharge of all debts and the keeping of all commandments is summed up in the one word of a man's loving others as he loves himself. And let the reader observe, that by God's ministers are not meant here the ministers of religion, but the civil officers in all departments of the state. As Moule said. 89. Christians should love one another, Romans 13:8-10. [3] William M. Greathouse, Beacon Bible Commentary (Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press, 1969), p. 253. Eusebius, in his life of Constantine, says the same of his sons, they put on their father - they seemed to enter into his spirit and views, and to imitate him in all things. He considers the Gospel as now visiting the Gentiles, and the light of a glorious day about to shine forth on them. Μεθαις signifies drunken festivals, such as were celebrated in honor of their gods, when after they had sacrificed (μετα το θυειν, Suidas) they drank to excess, accompanied with abominable acts of every kind. age does not need the old fashioned relics of barbarism, such as policemen and jails. As I have already mentioned some potentates by name, as apt examples of the doctrines I have been laying down, my readers will naturally expect that, on so fair an opportunity, I should introduce another; one in whom the double blessing meets; one who, through an unusually protracted reign, during every year of which he most conscientiously watched over the sacred constitution committed to his care, not only did not impair this constitution, but took care that its wholesome laws should be properly administered, and who in every respect acted as the father of his people, and added to all this the most exemplary moral conduct perhaps ever exhibited by a prince, whether in ancient or modern times; not only tacitly discountenancing vice by his truly religious conduct, but by his frequent proclamations most solemnly forbidding Sabbath-breaking, profane swearing, and immorality in general. The word εὐσχημόνως occurs also in 1 Thessalonians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 7:35: 14:40.It denotes here a walk of life the entire opposite of ἀσχημοσύνη (ch. To say that such conduct does not become Christians must have been intended by the apostle as a meiosis, an understatement for the sake of emphasis. Romans 13:13 Aramaic NT: Peshitta ܘܐܝܟ ܕܒܐܝܡܡܐ ܒܐܤܟܡܐ ܢܗܠܟ ܠܐ ܒܙܡܪܐ ܘܠܐ ܒܪܘܝܘܬܐ ܘܠܐ ܒܡܕܡܟܐ ܛܢܦܐ ܘܠܐ ܒܚܤܡܐ ܘܒܚܪܝܢܐ ܀ Additional Parallel Greek. (Romans 13:1). Fear - See Romans 13:4. He knew, for example, that his own death would precede the final judgment (2 Timothy 4:6), that a space of time sufficient to allow the revelation of the man of sin would intervene before it (2 Thessalonians 2:3ff), and that the fullness of the Gentiles would come in first (Romans 11:25), all of which knowledge on Paul's part made it impossible for him to have considered the judgment day as being just around the corner. - Dr. Taylor's Notes, page 352. Let all hear it from the word of God, if they are so blind as to be unable to read it in history, that the policeman also is God's man, and that without him there is nothing. Moffatt's translation made the difference clear, thus: The man must certainly be put to death (Numbers 15:35).SIZE>. Strife and jealousy ... refer to the animosities of men inflamed with liquor, sated with vice, and living the lives of debauchees. The day is at hand - the full manifestation of the Sun of righteousness, in the illumination of the whole Gentile world approaches rapidly. For there is no power but of God - As God is the origin of power, and the supreme Governor of the universe, he delegates authority to whomsoever he will; and though in many cases the governor himself may not be of God, yet civil government is of him; for without this there could be no society, no security, no private property; all would be confusion and anarchy, and the habitable world would soon be depopulated. A thousand examples from history could be brought forward to show what a disastrous thing sleep may be. It is an awful thing to rebel, and the cases are extremely rare that can justify rebellion against the constituted authorities. God is the one who justifies; on Owe no man any thing, but to love one another - In the preceding verses the apostle has been showing the duty, reverence, and obedience, which all Christians, from the highest to the lowest, owe to the civil magistrate; whether he be emperor, king, proconsul, or other state officer; here he shows them their duty to each other: but this is widely different from that which they owe to the civil government: to the first they owe subjection, reverence, obedience, and tribute; to the latter they owe nothing but mutual love, and those offices which necessarily spring from it. The Dominion of North America changed hands while people slept! These are they who are going to be saved tomorrow, who plan to stir themselves in a convenient season, who fully intend to obey the Lord, but not now. Humanity will never find a way to eliminate such a penalty completely, because it is the threat of death alone which enables policemen to apprehend and capture perpetrators of crime. This small tribute of praise to the character and conduct of the British king, and gratitude to God for such a governor, will not be suspected of sinister motive; as the object of it is, by an inscrutable providence, placed in a situation to which neither envy, flattery, nor even just praise can approach, and where the majesty of the man is placed in the most awful yet respectable ruins. It must be allowed, notwithstanding, that when a prince, howsoever heedful to the laws, is unrighteous in private life, his example is contagious; morality, banished from the throne, is discountenanced by the community; and happiness is diminished in proportion to the increase of vice. on Some sleep the sleep of the weary, as did the disciples Peter, James and John in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus Christ was not a revolutionary in any sense of that word today. It is generally allowed that this epistle was written about the year of our Lord 58, four or five years after the edict of the Emperor Claudius, by which all the Jews were banished from Rome. He went aboard a ship putting out to sea, descended into the hold of the vessel and went to sleep. In our own beloved America today, those people who are flirting with revolutionary schemes, if they should ever have their way, shall certainly overwhelm themselves and their posterity with sorrows, and far from attaining any worthy goals, will reap a gory harvest of tragedy and disappointment. The night is far spent - If we understand this in reference to the heathen state of the Romans, it may be paraphrased thus: The night is far spent - heathenish darkness is nearly at an end. The person who sleeps is in a state of insensibility, not knowing anything that is going on. Putting on , or being clothed with Jesus Christ, signifies receiving and believing the Gospel ; and consequently taking its maxims for the government of life, having the mind that was in Christ. Whosoever resisteth the power - Ὁ αντιτασσομενος, He who sets himself in order against this order of God; τῃ του Θεου διαταγῃ, and they who resist, οἱ ανθεστηκοτες, they who obstinately, and for no right reason, oppose the ruler, and strive to unsettle the constitution, and to bring about illegal changes. In addition you can use the Interlinear Bible and much more to enhance your understanding of God's word. When one thinks of the countless pleasure palaces, and other hideaways bought and provided for no other purpose than that of facilitating the fulfillment of fleshly lusts, the apostle's wisdom in forbidding such investments to Christians is evident. Paul's revelation that the state is "ordained of God" and an effective instrument of the holy will is not a new doctrine invented by him to ease the Christian community through a difficult political period, but it is essential element of Jesus' teachings. Romans 6:1-13 Though justified by grace, we may not live in sin; since the very figure of baptism requireth us to die. This sense seems most suitable to the following verses, where the vices of the Gentiles are particularly specified; and they are exhorted to abandon them, and to receive the Gospel of Christ. Not merely those laws of the state conceived of as "just laws" are to be obeyed; but, as Peter said, "every ordinance of man" was to be obeyed. They were tired. Even in the piece-by-piece consideration of the armor, their intimate connection with and identity with the word of God is evident. Anyone familiar with this type of behavior will testify to its obscene, profane, and repulsive nature. For this cause pay ye tribute also - Because civil government is an order of God, and the ministers of state must be at considerable expense in providing for the safety and defense of the community, it is necessary that those in whose behalf these expenses are incurred should defray that expense; and hence nothing can be more reasonable than an impartial and moderate taxation, by which the expenses of the state may be defrayed, and the various officers, whether civil or military, who are employed for the service of the public, be adequately remunerated. StudyLı But this sense cannot at all comport with what is said below, as the Gentiles are most evidently intended. The sleeper is doing nothing, all activity being suspended. Every man's salvation is nearer as life unfolds; and, for every man, it is sealed and assured, when his faithfulness has been manifested even unto the end. Present-day lawgivers are not wiser than God who laid down such penalties and enforced them in the Old Testament dispensation. In this connection, a little further attention to Christ's teachings in this sector is helpful. "That day ..." as discreetly used here, leaves the time element of when it will occur absolutely out of sight. None ever cared as much as they; but, inspired men of God, they KNEW that extremist methods would have done no good, but would have, on the other hand, done much harm in the multiplication of human misery and sorrow. The mode of speech itself is taken from the custom of stage players: they assumed the name and garments of the person whose character they were to act, and endeavored as closely as possible to imitate him in their spirit, words, and actions. The apostle considers the state of the Gentiles under the notion of night, a time of darkness and a time of evil practices. Paul used the words exactly as Jesus used them; and there is a tremendous weight of material in Paul's writings that shows he did not fall into the common error of confusing the two events as to their simultaneous occurrence. Ye are not bound in obedience to them as to the civil magistrate; for to him ye must needs be subject, not merely for fear of punishment, but for conscience sake: but to these ye are bound by love; and by that love especially which utterly prevents you from doing any thing by which a brother may sustain any kind of injury. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. The Christian life is realized, not by an item tabulation of commandments kept or broken, but by a conscious filling of the heart with love toward others, a fulfillment being made possible only by the sacred enthronement within, of the Holy Spirit. Over and above all this, there stands the commandment of the apostles that the public prayers of Christians should constantly be directed to God upon the behalf of the state and its lawful representatives, on behalf of "kings and all that are in high place" (1 Timothy 2:1,2), to the intent that Christians might be permitted to "lead a tranquil life in all godliness and gravity," thus, by implication, making the provision of such privilege for Christians being the state's intended function. Illustration: On the night of September 2,1757, when the soldiers of the Marquis de Montcalm, commandant of the French army of Quebec, retired to their tents, they slept the sleep of insecurity. The word here brings out more fully the fact that the ruler, like the priest, discharges a divinely ordained service. So Dionysius Hal., Antiq., lib. That the Jews were in general an uneasy and seditious people is clear enough from every part of their own history. Many a soul has been lost while its possessor slept. To that affluent host of Christians in present-day America, let it be thundered that they must not now allow the submerged torrent of blood, lust, and anarchy to break through. Home > Study Desk. In the New Testament, there was never any hint of Christians organizing any kind of campaign to change or nullify laws. The propriety of paying lawful tribute, Romans 13:6, Romans 13:7. Romans 13:13 - Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. To the gentle, Spirit-filled Christian, Rome must certainly have appeared to be the seat of Satan himself, an impression that would have been "proved" in their view by the murders and debaucheries which occurred so soon thereafter, drowning Nero's administration in blood and shame. And wouldest thou have no fear of the power? 2. Someone just went to sleep when he should have been on guard. 4. Their astonishment and gratitude were nearly incredible. There are other commands which spring out of the love of God, this dual direction of human obligation being demonstrated in the fact of there having been two tables of the Decalogue. Ye must needs be subject - Αναγκη, There is a necessity that ye should be subject, not only for wrath, δια την οργην, on account of the punishment which will be inflicted on evil doers, but also for conscience' sake; not only to avoid punishment, but also to preserve a clear conscience. Spiritually, some have sustained near-fatal injuries and continue in a state of sleep. St. Chrysostom particularly mentions this as a common phrase, ὁ δεινα τον δεινα ενεδυσατο, such a one hath put on such a one; i.e. Revelling and drunkenness ... refers to riotous and boisterous conduct, such as undisciplined behavior that follows indulgence in alcoholic beverages. Elders sleep while error is advocated in the church. Although it is true that his holy teachings had the profoundest influence upon the course of history, it was always as leaven and not as dynamite that his influence worked. Choose a verse from 'Romans 12' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on Christ himself honored God's ordained institution, the state, ordered the payment of taxes to Caesar (Matthew 22:21), declared that the authority of the procurator, Pontius Pilate, was given to him "from above" (John 19:11), prophetically identified the armies of Vespasian and Titus as those of God himself sent for the purpose of destroying those evil men and burning their city, the city of Jerusalem (Matthew 22:7), submitted to arrest, even illegal and unjust arrest (Matthew 26:47-56), refused to allow Peter to defend with the sword against such an outrage, and meekly accepted the death penalty itself, which the state unjustly exacted, and which Christ had ample means of avoiding (Matthew 26:53), but did not. For, as civil government is established in the order of God for the support, defense, and happiness of society, they who transgress its laws, not only expose themselves to the penalties assigned by the statutes, but also to guilt in their own consciences, because they sin against God. - As in the day, let us walk honestly (in the sense which honeste bears in Latin of decently, becomingly, with de. The armor of light was available for all who would receive and wear it. We say the same. Home > Commentaries > People's New Testament > Romans > Chapter 7. A gutless namby-pambyism has come to characterize far too many Christians of this age, who naively and stupidly suppose that police departments are dispensable, that love can just take everything, and that our own enlightened (?) Home > Commentaries > People's New Testament > Romans > Chapter 6. He may be a bad man, and stained with vice in his private life, and yet be a good prince. Paul's imagery here still refers to sleepers waiting too long to rouse out of slumber. One of them reached for the New Testament to read it himself and said, "I do wish that everyone knew this." The "judgment" in this place refers primarily to the legal punishment of violators of the state's laws; but the displeasure of God regarding such violations implies that there will also be an eternal accounting to God for such sins. To all such persons, the question of submission to a government like Rome Was the most burning question of the day. Gross sin, terrible disappointment, the traumatic experience of church division or some other catastrophe has left them insensible through spiritual sleep, and they must be aroused or perish. These commandments do not nullify each other, because they speak of different things. Reject every form of extremism, and heed the apostolic injunction to "Let your moderation be known unto all men" (Philippians 4:5). The original word, κοιταις, signifies whoredoms and prostitution of every kind. For he is the minister of God to thee for good - Here the apostle puts the character of the ruler in the strongest possible light. The judicious commentator adds: "I cannot forbear observing the admirable skill and dexterity with which the apostle has handled the subject. Because throughout the Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments, what God does in nature or grace, he is said to do by his Spirit. [1] Sir Stanley Baldwin, Address: Truth and Politics, delivered at Edinburgh University, November 6,1925. This verse teaches that breaking the laws of human governments is equivalent to breaking God's laws, because such laws are also of God's will and authority. They did not participate in the public festivals and ceremonies given over to the deification of the emperor, and might, therefore, have been suspect as enemies of the government. Jesus Christ our Lord never disobeyed any law, nor did he ever advocate disobedience, or any other kind of disobedience. Attending continually. The problem of military service and participation as a soldier in any kind of a war is also related to the questions in focus here; and those desiring to know further scriptural teaching in that sector are referred to "The Ten Commandments, Yesterday and Today," chapter 8. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead, Isaiah 26:19. on He did not offer himself as an advocate against society on behalf of any so-called victim of social injustice; and, once, he even refused to aid a man who claimed that he had been robbed of his inheritance (Luke 12:13). Sin is a roaring tornado all around. Parents sleep while the devil is seducing their children. This cannot mean that the shameful deeds, of evil rulers are ever in any manner approved of God. The necessity of immediate conversion to God proved from the shortness and uncertainty of time, Romans 13:11, Romans 13:12. How the Gentiles should walk so as to please God, and put on Christ Jesus in order to their salvation, Romans 13:13, Romans 13:14. That some laws were unjust was clear to all; but Paul sent a runaway slave back to his Christian master (Philemon 1:1:17), and provided specific instructions to both masters and slaves in his epistles to Ephesus and Colossae. Tons more resources, better tools, NIV84 and easier navigation. All this is just and right, but there is no insinuation in the apostle's words in behalf of an extravagant and oppressive taxation, for the support of unprincipled and unnecessary wars; or the pensioning of corrupt or useless men. Kypke on this place has quoted some good authorities for the above distinction and signification. Romans 4:24 and Romans 5:6; Romans 5:10-11. ζωοποιήσει. It is this: Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. This applies to all commandments of a social or man-ward nature. As he said, "I came not to destroy but to fulfill" (Matthew 5:17). The night is far sent, and the day is at hand: let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. To be clothed with a person is a Greek phrase, signifying to assume the interests of another - to enter into his views, to imitate him, and be wholly on his side. Romans 6:14-20 The dispensation of grace freeth us from the dominion. The state itself, no less than God's church, is a divine institution, existing by God's permission and authority, and absolutely necessary for the continuity of the race of people upon the earth; and it is the unqualified duty of the Christian to submit to it, except in whose situations where doing so would break the commandments of God. The advices to the Christians may be found in the preceding chapter; those at the conclusion of this chapter belong solely to the heathens. Both Paul (here) and Peter (1 Peter 2:13-17) emphatically underscored this teaching. Test drive it and tell us about your experience. And this, knowing the season, that already it is time for you to wake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed. Had there been any doubt, up to here, that the total establishment of human government is to be honored, respected, and obeyed by Christians, upon pain of God's displeasure if they fail, it would have been effectively removed by this blanket inclusion of "all." He exhorts them to this that they may walk honestly, decently habited; and not spend their time, waste their substance, destroy their lives, and ruin their souls in such iniquitous practices as those which he immediately specifies. A fire may sweep through the city, a revolution rage in the streets, or a tornado bear down upon him, but he knows it not. 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